Yuwen got the answer, but it was not the answer he wanted. He took a step closer and asked emotionally: "Will you write about this method of killing people, is it just derived from the method of killing pigs by butchers?" "

"Not bad." Duan Gao saw that Yuwen was in a bad mood, and he asked concerned: "My child, what's the matter with you?"

"I..." Yuwen lowered his head, his nails fell into his palms, and whispered, "My parents were murdered in this way..."

Back then, all the police focused on this method of killing, attempting to profile the characteristics of the murderer through the modus operandi, but no one had ever thought that this so-called bizarre method of killing was often used in the slaughterhouse. Used... What does this show?

In the eyes of the murderer, his parents are just like those livestock...

The anger in Yuwen's heart is more intense. Even if he can't remember clearly what happened when he was a child, he still remembers a little bit. His parents will take him out to play and buy him delicious food and what he wants. Toys... that were his parents, not the animals under the butcher!

Scenery suddenly showed pity, Duan Mu asked her softly, "What's wrong?"

"I just think... he is a bit pitiful." Apart from pretending to be coercive, Yuwen is not really a bad person. At least, he has never killed anyone. He lost his parents when he was four years old. , He is really pitiful.

Duan Mu lowered her head slightly, and whispered in her ear: "The scenery has gone to pity others, what should I do?"

She had a meal and quickly hugged his arm, "Sympathy is not the same as liking. The only person I like is you."

Duan Mu just laughed.

Compared to a little awkwardness over there, the rumors here are really uncomfortable. Duan Gao sighed and said, "I'm sorry that your parents had an unfortunate experience, and I can understand your mood. But unfortunately, I don’t seem to be able to help you much."

"I thought... I found you, I can always get any clues... I was too naive." Yuwen smiled bitterly. Sixteen years have passed. The policeman who handled the case, retired and retired, Sheng The case was promoted because the murderer could not be caught. Therefore, he chose to make his debut in the entertainment industry when the brokerage company threw an olive branch, and became a celebrity, so he could have more Only financial and human resources can hope to find the murderer and avenge his parents.

Before seeing Duan Gao, he really thought he saw hope, but the reality only disappointed him.

Duan Gao kindly asked him, "When did your parents' case happen?"

"Sixteen years ago." Uwen said with a wry smile: "Sixteen years have passed..."

"For so long, I'm afraid that the murderer is getting harder and harder to find. I think that suspects who had a bad relationship or conflict with your parents must have been investigated back then."

Yuwen nodded, "Um... However, they all cleared the suspicion one by one."

"I know a little about homicides. Even if the police want to solve the case, they can only look at the backlog of files and have nothing to do before there are new clues. Sometimes, the reality is not as our ideals. Beautiful, not everyone can become a well-known detective who will never be profitable. You can hold on for so long and you have a clear conscience." He is tactfully persuading him not to be too obsessed with this matter.

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