Uwen paused, "I understand what you mean, and I also know that it is very difficult to find a murderer, but as long as I can walk for a day, I will not give up and leave."

He turned around and walked out of the house.

Although Feng Guang felt that his back was indeed pitiful, he did not dare to say any more sympathetic words.

Duan Gao sighed, "I didn't expect that the book I wrote would actually happen one day in reality, and soon, I'm afraid there will be a policeman coming."

"Dad, you don't have to think so much." Duan Mu spoke out and encouraged, "The two cases that happened in the hotel, it is also possible that the murderer imitated the crime after reading your book."

"If this is the case...The two people who died, I will also be responsible."

Feng Guang also said: "Uncle, it's none of your business. It's not you who killed the person. The person who should be responsible should be the murderer. It's like a person who fell on a bicycle and he couldn't blame it. Is it the bicycle’s fault?"

"The scenery is right, you don't have to put too much pressure on yourself."

Duan Gao smiled, "It's better to have you two young people talking to me. By the way, it's the first time Miss Xia came to my house. I'll pour you a glass of water."

Before Feng Jing waved his hand and said no, Duan Gao had already walked into the kitchen.

"Your dad is really enthusiastic..." Scenery sighed, then glanced at the room, "and these jingle decorations are really romantic."

"In addition to writing, my dad just likes to collect these things." Duan Mu looked down at her and said: "He said that listening to these sweet sounds will make you more inspired."

Scenery didn’t think so. If she were to create...she would want to be as quiet as possible. She was cold-hearted. Seeing a photo on the table, she recognized that the man on it was a much younger Duan Gao. But that beautiful woman...she asked curiously: "Is this your mother?"

"Yes." Duan Mu lost his smile in his eyes, "but not anymore."

"Why do you say that?"

"Once upon a time, when my father was not famous, she couldn't stand such a poor life. She left with other men and never came back."

Scenery couldn't help biting his finger, thinking that he had asked a very bad question.

Duan Mu smiled when she saw her cautiously, "Don't worry, the matter is over, I won't feel sad."

"Um..." She answered softly.

Duan Mu wanted to hug her, but Duan Gao had already walked out. He could only give up and rubbed the top of her head instead. In the evening, Duan Mucai left with the scenery and sent her back.

When parting, in the afterglow of the evening sun, Duan Mu kissed her between her brows, "Tomorrow I will pick you up and play."

"Okay, see you tomorrow." She smiled sweetly and nodded, waved at him again, and happily ran into the door of the Xia family.

She was so happy, how upset Xia Chao was sitting in the living room, but now the scenery has directly ignored him, and without saying hello, she went upstairs and entered her room.

Xia Chao became even more angry.

The next day was a cool weather. I sat in the room with my mobile phone after I had dressed up early, and waited for Duan Mu to pick her up. When the phone rang, she immediately connected, "Duan Mu, when are you coming?" "

"Miss Xia..."

She was stunned for a while when she heard the voice, "Yao Feng, what are you doing calling me with Duan Mu's cell phone?"

Yao Feng’s voice was very urgent, "Duan Mu was taken away by the police, saying it was suspected of murder. He forbids me to tell you about it, but I really can’t help but tell you and want to ask. Can you find a way to help Duan Mu."

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