Her tone was firm enough to be unshakable, and it would be useless to say more.

The director sighed and said to Wu Sen, "Take Miss Xia."

Although Wu Sen didn't want to, he didn't say much. He said, "Miss Xia, please come with me."

Scenery followed Wu Sen and went through another visit. It didn't take long for an iron gate to open and she entered the detention room of the police station. Usually, the prisoner would not be sent to the prison immediately before conviction.

The police officer in the detention room was only allowed to go in alone. Yao Feng had no objection. He and Wu Sen were waiting in the corridor outside.

The closed door opened, and through the glass baffle, the scenery finally saw the person he wanted to meet. The police officer in the detention room said, "You only have ten minutes."

When the words fell, he walked out, and there were only two people left in this room, Feng Jing and Duan Mu, but there were also video surveillance.

Feng Guang walked over quickly. She couldn't really touch him. Even if she wanted to talk to him, she could only pick up the recording phone and put it in her ear. Before she could speak, Duan Mu, who was opposite, said softly: "Scenery, this is not where you should be."

He was wearing a loose prison uniform, it seemed that he was a little thin, and instead of just coming in for a few hours, his expression seemed to be a lot tired.

"You have come here, why can't I come?" Feng Jing was angry, "You told Yao Feng not to tell me, do you think you can hide it from me forever?"

"At least... it's good to let you know later." The smile in his eyes was bitter, "I don't want you to see me like this."

She bit her lip and said incomprehensibly: "You didn't kill people... Why do you want to admit?"

"There are too many evidences to prove that I killed people, scenery, how can you still say...I didn't kill people?"

"I just know, Duan Mu, I believe you, even if you really kill someone, you won't be arrested so easily." She stubbornly said: "You didn't kill people, you have no reason to kill people. ."

"It's not without reason..." Duan Mu smiled gently.

However, before he finished speaking, she was interrupted again, "I don't believe that you are looking for this kind of woman outside, so...so you won't kill people just because you didn't negotiate a good price, Duan Mu, don't think of me as a three-year-old child. I also have my own thinking ability. I believe that the person I know you will appear there. There must be some other reason, right?"

Duan Mu was slightly silent, but his eyes were more gentle, with one hand on the glass, he said softly: "The scenery, I am very happy."

"Then you don't give up easily, okay?" She stretched out her hand and touched his palm through the glass, even in her voice, she also brought a plea, "Duan Mu, don't confess your guilt... I will find the real murderer, and I will definitely rescue you. You said that you still want to give me a ring to marry me. You can't be so unruly!"

His eyes moved slightly, listening to her voice from the phone, facing her with such a pitiful expression, they were so close, he should have held her in his arms, but he couldn't.

"The scenery, just assume I haven't said these things..." He closed his eyes and sighed, then said: "You don't care about this anymore, I hope you can live happily."

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