"Without you...how can I be happy..." Feng Guang heard the depression and negativity in his words, and she begged him in a panic, "Duan Mu, we are not hopeless, you believe me... I can definitely Save you..."

"You have done enough, scenery, leave here, forget me, you are still the carefree Miss Xia family, you don't need to remember a murderer, you shouldn't touch these things." Duan Mu Yi's smiling eyes are slightly curved, like a spring breeze, and like a gentle jade, "The scenery, I love you very much, but it's time to say goodbye."

"Duan Mu... Duan Mu, don't go!" Seeing him put down the phone and turned around, the scenery slapped the glass anxiously, but he could not hear, and would not look back at her again. After all, she still choked out, and very much. I quickly wiped my eyes, "I won't just give up like this..."

Duan Mu’s attitude makes people feel strange. He has not denied that he killed someone, but he has even more convinced her that there is a hidden secret in it. She doesn’t know why he can confess his guilt willingly, but she knows one thing now. Things, she wants to save him out.

Leaving the room and seeing Wu Sen, the scenery said with a smile: "It's already half past twelve now, and Officer Wu has reached the dinner point."

"That's not bad..." Wu Sen looked at her with red eyes, obviously as if he had already cried, but he was panicked when he talked to him with a smile on his face.

"Then I will invite Officer Wu to dinner." Scenery smiled again. "What happened today is really troublesome for you. If I don't invite you to dinner, it won't make sense, Officer Wu, you will definitely not refuse, right?"

He has a hunch, if he refuses, then her next sentence is definitely whether you look down on me, she is Miss Xia family, how dare he look down on others?

Even if he knew this was a Hongmen Banquet, Wu Sen had to bite the bullet and nod his head.

Yao Feng wanted to ask what was going on with Duan Mu, but they didn't look at him at all, and he couldn't talk to him, and because he was worried about Duan Mu, he could only go to dinner with him.

There is a Chinese restaurant near the police station with a beautiful view. "You two want to eat whatever you want. I will treat you."

Wu Sen looked at the food that was already on the table, and he couldn't put it down even if he ordered it, but he didn't dare to lift the chopsticks, otherwise it would be the shortest time to eat. He struggled for a while and asked: "Miss Xia , If you have anything you want to say directly."

"Since Officer Wu, you said that..." The scenery was not polite. She asked first, "Do you think it was Duan Mu who killed someone?"

Wu Sen replied very officially, "This is not something I don't think, but a question of evidence."

"But I don't believe that Duan Mu killed someone, so... I want to ask you if there is any information that hasn't been told to me."

"Miss Xia, I have said everything I can say. You can't let me give you the victim's information, right?"

"The victim's information..." She nodded, "Indeed, maybe you can find a breakthrough from this."

"This is really too much. The victim's information cannot be disclosed. This is a matter of principle. Miss Xia, let me be honest. Although Duan Mu looks like a good man, he is going to a nightclub to kill people. You should know that he is a non-specific and dangerous criminal/element, you are a daughter, why bother to hang on a crooked neck tree?"

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