Quick Transmigration: The Second Female Lead is Poisonous

Chapter 139: Raiders Hacker Technical Male

"Where did I lie to him?" Feng Jing got up, arms around her chest, she liked to bravish whenever she had no confidence in her heart.

Let me see through her, she was actually panicked, but he didn't say, "Meng Guoer is a female."

"How do you know? Is she your girlfriend in reality?"

"I said, as long as I want to, I can find all the information in this world." He paused, then said: "Besides, I don't have a girlfriend in reality."

Feng Guang heard his first sentence and was about to sneer, but after hearing his last sentence, he was taken aback, "Why do you want to explain whether you have a girlfriend?"

"..." Probably panicked.

He didn't answer, and put a little strange feeling in his happiness, Feng Guang said confidently: "It doesn't matter if I cheated or not, but you can't deny that it was me that made him cheer up again, so even if I lied to him So what? It’s fine if the final result is good."

"Ms. Xia is notoriously arrogant and domineering, so she would have been so kind-hearted." His tone was yin and yang.

Feng Guang was angry, "You are very strange. When I don't do good things, you have to mock me and ridicule me and warn me. Now that I have done good things, you have not warned me, but you still have to mock me and laugh at me. I know you. I hate me, but you really hate me, why do you show up in front of me every time, just to make me happy?"

"There are so many people in this world who have difficulties, why do you only help Dao with the heart?"

"Where can I only help the knife? Zhao Xiaolu was guarded the other day. Didn't I go up and help? That was when you killed me, did you forget?"

"That day..." He said two words, then remained silent.

Feng Jing waited for a long time and didn't wait for his following, thinking that he really came to find the fault, then said unhappy: "Anyway, whatever I do, it is the unreasonable trouble of the lady in your eyes. You have already booked it for me. Labeled, isn’t it?"

Her last ending trembles with a hint of grievance.

He was silent for a second, "I didn't."

"You have it! Since the first day I saw you, you have been looking at me with colored glasses, not just you, but also those who like to watch the excitement in reality. I ordered Xuezang that big star Liu Ti to harm She committed suicide, yes, yes, I said that I didn’t like her, but that was because she wanted to seduce/lead my fiance, and I never thought she would commit suicide! And the cleaning aunt who sweeps the floor, I just kicked it accidentally When it came to her broom, I said it didn’t matter, but the manager kept saying that she was going to fire her, and I guaranteed her to continue working in the building, but why did she end up saying that I despised the cleaning lady?"


Let me take a step closer, and she took a step back. This was a sign of distrust, and the hand beside him clenched unconsciously.

Scenery bit her lip, "And the little secretary, it was Liu Ti who made her fall on the ground and poured water on her body, I just wanted to help her up, but... But no matter what I say, Shen Wu He didn't believe my words, he even slapped me... Not only him, but everyone didn't believe me. In your eyes, I'm just a daughter who doesn't know how to be polite and can only make tempers!"

She said, on the verge of an explosion, there will be no tears in the game, but let us subconsciously stretch out a hand, did not receive the non-existent tear, and was nervously avoided by her.

"In this game, they don’t know who I am. I am just a foolish man with a lot of money. But I was very happy that night. I can play as I want. At least no one will wear colored glasses. Look at me... But, who on earth are you, you will chase into the game to remind me that I am a person shouting, have I ever hurt you?" Her voice was trembling, almost with heartbreaking magic. , "Let me do it, how much do you hate me? In your eyes, am I... really a heinous bad woman?"


Before I had time to make any sound, the system prompts: Your enemy Wan Yang has gone offline.

He raised his hand to cover his chest, stunned for a long time, and suddenly felt a little uncomfortable in his heart.

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