For more than a month, the scenery never played games again. She stayed at home and didn't want to go to it even if she had a class. She was isolated from the world. In addition to sleeping and eating every day, she painted and read novels. Of course, sleeping took up a third of the time. In the second time, in such a decadent life, she actually lost a few kilos without gaining any flesh. If she said it, she would attract a lot of envy, jealousy and hatred.

The counselor gave her the final letter, if you don't come to school again, you will read the freshman again next year!

Even if their professional courses are easy, it is not this easy way!

The scenery is helpless, clean up, stepped out of the house for the first time in a month, and walked into the campus after a long time. People passing by were still pointing behind her. She was not interested in listening to what they said about herself, and went straight into the teaching. Building, I found the classroom for the class. Today’s class is a basic computer course. This is a public class, so there are a lot of people, at least the seats are full, and the scenery has no friends, so no one will help her occupy a seat , She only saw an empty seat in the last row, but beside the empty seat, there was a boy who looked very uncomfortable.

She hesitated for a while and walked over, "Is there anyone next to you?"

He shook his head.

Feng Guang put down her bag and sat next to him. She just sat down and the teacher walked in, but she didn't want to listen. On the contrary, the people around her kept writing in the notebook that caught her attention. She could only see him. The profile, the more I look at it, the more I feel where I have seen him...

He finished writing on a piece of paper, turned a new page, glanced at the scenery, and saw that the paper was full of numbers and symbols that she couldn't understand, like what code? She leaned closer and stared at his face for a long time. She didn't notice that he seemed to be writing faster with the pen. For a long time, she finally decided, "Is it you?"

The movement of his hand stopped, and he looked up at her for the first time. He forgot that her face was very close at this time, so now that they are only a few centimeters apart, they can kiss each other.

When the eyes met, no one cared about whose heart was throbbing.

After a long while, I admired the scenery intently, "Your eyelashes are so long, are they natural?"


"Wow, the skin is good too, which brand of skin care products do you use?"


"What were you writing just now?" She looked at the notebook, "What program code is it? This is your homework? You are from the computer department?"

It is program code, not homework. He only writes when he is nervous. Yes, he is from the computer department.

After answering all her questions silently in his heart, Ou Xun covered the book, "I haven't seen you in this class."

You seem to be able to remember other people who have taken this class.

"Because it's the first time that I have come to this class today." She was very generous about skipping classes and was not ashamed at all. "Counting today, we have met for the third time. Hey, what is your name ?"

The Xia family’s tutor introduced herself before asking someone’s name, but she was so “famous” and it might be difficult to find someone who didn’t know her.

"Ou Xun."

"Is it that way?" Adhering to the domineering lady's style, she took his notebook, took out the pen in his hand, and wrote the words "Ou Xun" on a clean sheet of paper.

"No." In his perspective, passing through her elegant neck, she could see her delicate collarbone... further down, he couldn't imagine.

"Is that this tour?"

Somehow, seeing her carefully studying the appearance of her name, Ou Xun passed a hot current in his heart, and he whispered: "It's Xuncao's Xun."

"Ah, I know this. Xuncao, the legendary vanilla, is said to be beautiful after taking it." She smiled and wrote two beautiful words on the paper-Ou Xun.

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