After a while, the little girl lying on Yan Fei's lap still did not move, she was asleep.

Yan Fei didn't wake her up either, but it was inevitable that a little girl who looked so unguarded was quite interesting, especially when she looked at herself wholeheartedly and said you look good...

The door of the back seat suddenly opened, and Yan Fei took the hand that had just touched the face of Feng's face and took it back. She looked back at the woman who got into the car, smiled and shouted: "Good evening, mother."

The woman sitting at the back wore a black veil and even a long black mesh dress on her body. She had a nice face, but because of this dress, she felt a little more indescribable. Since she is Yan Fei My mother is not too young to come, but she is well maintained. Looking at the scenery sleeping on Yan Fei’s lap, she suddenly smiled, “Which lost child was you kidnapped into the car?”

"I am a suitor of Xiaoce." Yan Fei added: "I am still a student of their school."

"Teacher and student love..." The beautiful lady laughed happily, "Young man, she is so energetic, but it is really enviable, so now, do you want to take her home or give it away? She is going back to school?"

"Mom, stop joking. Of course, we want to send her back to school. After we send her back, we will go to the hospital to see Xiao Ce." Yan Fei's hand didn't even touch the back of the scenery, and his face was full of smiles. She is somewhat similar to his mother's smile.

The lady dressed in black leaned back on the chair and said casually, “I don’t know what happened to Xiao Ce. The first day he went to school, he was injured and hospitalized. He was not so vulnerable before. People."

"When you get to the hospital, just ask Xiao Ce."

"Oh, his boring gourd's temperament is not like you. If he doesn't want to say, kill him, he won't say one more word."

Yan Fei smiled, but did not speak, she drove the scenery back to school first.

Just like Yan Ce, Yan Fei used to study at Shuhuo High School. She let her mother wait in the car, and then walked to the girls’ dormitory with the scenery familiar to her. Aunt Guan just heard the name of the scenery. Knowing which room she lives in, after all, among the students in the school, those who have the opportunity to live in a room alone are the only one in the school.

Although the scenery is lazy, she never treats herself badly, like her dormitory. In order to live comfortably, she tidy up, and even put a pot of cactus on her computer desk.

what? Shouldn't high school students play computers?

I'm sorry, all the rules are clouds in front of her daughter of the Xia family.

Yan Fei put someone on the bed and covered her with the quilt. Then she looked at the surrounding environment. The computer on the table was still on. I thought she forgot to turn it off when she went out. Yan Fei walked over to replace the scenery. Turn off the computer, otherwise the computer will be on until tomorrow morning. At the same time, she put a carton of milk on the table.

Before leaving the door, Yan Fei smiled at the girl lying on the bed, "Good night, little girl."

The lights in the room went out, the door was closed, and everything returned to calm.

Undoubtedly, the scenery that woke up the next day had a headache. This was a sequelae of her drunk. She held her head for a long time before remembering that she had met a beautiful sister and then accidentally got drunk. When she reached the milk on the table, she couldn't help biting her handkerchief again. This beauty sister is so sweet!

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