Because Yan Ce was injured and hospitalized, there was no speech at the opening ceremony of the school year, and the news that the director of the political and educational office was beaten to the hospital by a freshman in high school was further implemented. The scenery became deserted in the school for a while. I don't know, no one knows.

Song Ye came to express his admiration specially, and was punched by the scenery to the north, south, east and west with a fist, and walked back dizzyly.

To say, who is the most guilty person to see now? That's Qi Fangfang. Although it is true that the scenery is about Yan Ce's intentions to knock him down, they have never happened to this or that, so she was a little panicked, would Qi Fangfang say anything nonsense.

But because of the scenery, Qi Fangfang has no idea what to say nonsense. She is so sad that she can’t help herself. As a member of the discipline committee, if she wants to say who she admires most, it must be Mr. Yan Ceyan. Now Mr. Yan is glorious. Her image collapsed in her heart, she couldn't accept it!

Even Song Ye was wondering that Qi Fangfang didn't bother him anymore. This is really a rare thing, but he won’t be puzzled for long, and his attention will be attracted by another thing. When he arrives, his school lawn is precarious, he is in a hurry!

Not to mention that Qi Fangfang and Song Ye each had their own emotions. The scenery stood at the door of Class A and met a boy on a narrow road. Neither of them spoke, but both of them could clearly feel that they felt about each other. impatient.

In the end, the scenery "he" first said, "Master Wen, long time no see."

"Miss Xia, it's been three years." This boy, naturally Wen Hao, is also a serious threat to the grass position of Song Ye school. He said, "I didn't expect to see you in Class A."

"Why? Can't I come to Class A?" Fengjing's grades are neither good nor bad. They are only in the middle-class level. Not to mention the average division of students in each class. Even if Class A is still the top class, she will still be the same. Can come in.

Wen Hao said blankly: "I heard that you became a small overlord of Shuhuo High School because you beat the director of the Political and Education Office."

When it comes to this, the look of scenery is a bit embarrassing.

"I've said long ago that apart from the simple-minded, well-developed Song Ye with thick skin and thick skin, he can survive under your hands. Other people don't want to live by your side for three seconds." Wen Hao was not ironic, but said It’s the fact that he didn’t have met with the scenery because of the exchanges between the two families in the past. It was like meeting for the first time. He politely stretched out his hand, and that hand was fractured. The second time can be said to be careless, the third time...No matter what he said, he would not continue to stretch out his hand in a gentleman manner.

Wen Hao just thought that Feng Guang was deliberately targeting him. He didn't know that when he heard that a girl named Xia Feng Guang had put the director of the Political and Education Office in the hospital, he could be sure that it turned out that Xia Feng Guang was going to hurt people. Against whom.

Scenery bit her lip and snorted, "Can other people live in front of me for three seconds? It's up to you!"

"It's none of my business. Even if Miss Xia kills someone, there will still be a Xia family who wipes her **** behind her back. I am just worried about the innocent people." Wen Hao said calmly. Calmness will make people think that what he said is very credible.

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