However, she ran out of the scenery of the infirmary, but did not want to return to the classroom. She shrank in the stairwell, sad alone.

What happened in the infirmary made her seem to have seen a new world. Although she didn’t want to admit it, she couldn’t deny that she was really moved by a woman, even if she could tell herself that it was because that woman was very good-looking. She had this illusion because of her beauty, but she knew in her heart that she couldn't lie to herself.

This is not scientific.

Scenery always thinks that she is a normal girl, that is to say, she will only be tempted by boys, but the feeling that Yan Fei gives her is so real... Is it impossible, is it possible that she herself admits herself wrong!

Scenery wailed silently and felt shocked. In fact, many people in this world are bisexual, but they don't know it. But now, Scenery is seriously doubting whether he is one of them.

Yes, she has always liked beautiful people or things, because it will make her visually enjoy, and this beautiful people or things, including women...Think about it this way, what should she do if she is really bisexual ! ?

She wants to like Yan Ce! Instead of hooking up with Yan Ce's sister!

Yan Fei is so kind to her, she doesn't know how to be grateful, how can she go to Xiao to miss others!

Feng Guang feels that she is guilty, and it is still a big crime. She is holding her hair irritably, not knowing what to do.

She felt that she needed to wake up.

So Feng Guang chose to find Song Ye in Class A of the second year.

When Song Ye saw the scenery that came to him, he immediately realized that there was something wrong. After all, he was always only looking for scenery, but no scenery came for him. He was afraid of something bad, so he could only ask tremblingly. : "Little cousin, you promised me that my Banana 10plus won't be regrettable."

"If I said I would buy it for you, I would buy it for you. Am I like someone who will repent?" Feng Guang's temper came up. She hugged her arm and said dissatisfiedly: "I am in a bad mood. Something."

Sure enough, something happened!

The alarm bell in Song Ye's mind was loud, and he asked nervously, "What's the matter with my little cousin?"

"You take me out to play." In other words, you take me to play truant.

Song Ye was dazed for a while, and then said, "Cousin, you don't know, we are a completely closed school, and we can't leave school before the monthly vacation!"

"I'll just ask you, how many times have you sneaked out to play before I came?"

Song Ye, who was still righteous, touched his head embarrassedly, coughed and said, "I have changed my mind now, and I can't hurt you."

"Song Ye!"

As soon as the scenery increased the volume, Song Ye immediately persuaded, "Go! Little cousin wants to go out, so she must go out to play. The rules are all clouds! Go, little cousin, I will lead the way!"

Scenery snorted and followed behind him.

Song Ye deserves to be the Demon King of the World. In the entire Shuhuo High School, he has already figured out where the defense is the weakest and where is suitable to slip out. This is all his experience in the school for a year.

Song Ye, as long as he lives in a different environment, he will definitely investigate these things clearly, know his scenery and know that there is nothing wrong with asking him to take him out. In fact, it is true.

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