In a remote place, Song Ye helped to climb up the wall with the scenery. She just sat firmly on the wall when she suddenly heard the sound of the broadcast.

"Today we received a submission from Zhou Xiaoqing, a classmate of Grade A in high school. She wrote in the letter that she would like to thank a girl who helped her before. This girl is called Xia Wangguang..."

Song Ye immediately cast an unbelievable look at Feng Guang, "Little cousin can't tell that you are still helpful."

"Get off!" Scenery kicked over while sitting on the wall, kicking Song Ye to the ground for a long time and couldn't get up.

Hearing the voice on the radio, the host on the radio was still reading the thank-you letter written by Zhou Xiaoqing with great affection. In this letter, the one who was alive and well became a bodhisattva!

She never expected that after she refused Zhou Xiaoqing's secretly sending flowers, Zhou Xiaoqing didn't send flowers. Instead, she went to thank the scenery openly. The whole school broadcasted a notice. Did you say it was fair enough?

Scenery did not feel proud, she felt very embarrassed, she finally understood why so many people would choose to do good things without leaving a name.

The so-called going out to play is like most high school students. In fact, it is just going to the Internet cafe. Scenery just wants to come out for a walk, and she has nowhere to go, so she goes to the Internet cafe with Song Ye.

Feng Feng made a phone call, and two bodyguards came directly and opened two computers for them with their adult IDs. The private rooms were already full, so they could only sit in rows with other people in the hall. Fortunately There are rules in Internet cafes not to smoke, otherwise she will not be able to leave as soon as the scenery enters.

Seeing Song Ye opened the game "War of Kings" as soon as he turned on the computer, the scenery stared at him speechlessly for a while, and then asked, "Is this game so fun?"

"Super fun! Especially when you get a head, you will have a special sense of accomplishment!" Song Ye looked at the scenery with bright eyes, "Little cousin! I'll show you how to play!"

"No, I don't know how to play." When this game first came out, Scenery was not unplayed, but she found that this game was not suitable for her, so she didn't play it.

To put it bluntly, it was her handicap.

Song Ye continued to agitate the scenery again, "Little cousin, let me teach you that this game is not difficult as long as you get started. Do you think I am playing well now? And look around, which one is not playing " "Battle of Kings", aren’t all people who come to Internet cafes to play games? If you come to Internet cafes, you just watch videos and play 4399 mini games, which is embarrassing, okay?"

Song Ye's words successfully made the scenery frown, "Who told you that I was going to play the 4399 mini game?"

"Oh, don't I know you little cousin? When you were bored, apart from playing "League of Kings", there was only 4399. Now your phone is crushed by you. What else would you play besides 4399?"

Scenery: "..."

Well, what Song Ye said was the truth, she had nothing to say.

Song Ye enthusiastically opened the game for the scenery, and he smiled and said, "Cousin, just try to play. Anyway, there will be no less meat. I will take you to fly."

Fengfeng thought for a while, and still boarded the game account she had only played once half a year ago. Don't ask why she still remembers the account, because all her game accounts are the same.

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