I received Song Ye’s team invitation as soon as he went online, and when the scenery was clicked, he accepted it. Playing man-machine combat is not in line with Song Ye’s style, but his own rank is too high. In order to take care of the scenery, he opened a trumpet to match this way. The opponent's rank will be lower, so it will be easier to play.

Scenery has always played whichever character is beautiful and cute. This time she chose a Master Loli who can summon a bear doll. Although Song Ye is here to point her, Scenery does not lose her identity as a handicapped party, even if she meets it. An enemy with residual blood, with all her skills and a full health bar, can be counter-killed by the opponent.

Song Ye kept saying don't worry, don't worry, I'll avenge you, but her mentality has collapsed, she dropped the mouse, and she angrily said, "The soldier on the other side has been cutting me! I won't play anymore!"

You see, her bad temper is easily revealed in this way. Who made her the Miss Xia family who grew up smoothly?

Song Ye silently said with his chin: "No, the bronze fighter on the opposite side is too powerful..."

Even if the scenery is handicapped, it will not be so miserable to be killed by the counter-kill. Moreover, even Song Ye's skills are not at all able to beat the opposite fighter, and Song Ye thinks that he has improved a lot in recent days. In the face of a bronze player, he was still very confident to crush, but things went wrong.

Generally speaking, a bronze trumpet will have such a sharp operation. It is not that the owner is playing the trumpet, or the account is played on behalf of the online. After that, he originally wanted to arouse the interest of the scenery in this game, but it seems that things are contrary to his wishes. Up.

"Stop playing! I'm leaving!" Regardless of how shameful the matter of hanging up the phone is, Fengjing always said that if she didn't want to play, she didn't want to play anymore. Standing up, she turned to leave, just watch it coldly. There was a beautiful woman who didn't know how long she had stood behind.

The scenery was startled, and then more uneasy.

"Doctor Yan!" Song Ye yelled out unexpectedly, and after that, he was also as uneasy as the scenery.

Two students from Shuhuo High School came to the Internet cafe for truancy and were caught by the school doctor at Shuhuo High School. This is really not a good thing. Two people with a guilty conscience dare not look at each other, it is rare to have a tacit understanding. I dare not say the first sentence.

The person who came was naturally Yan Fei. She glanced at the computer screen and then at the scenery, "I thought that scenery would not like this game."

Song Ye hurriedly said, "I played with my little cousin!"

"It's what I want to play..." Feng Jing said in a low voice, never daring to look up, not because he was caught for truancy, but because of what happened in the medical office not long ago.

She saw Yan Fei as soon as she turned around. She didn't know if she should say a word of fate. It was amazing. In short, the last thing she wanted to see was Yan Fei.

Yan Fei was silent for a while, after a while, she sighed and said, "Since you want to play, why are you leaving now? This game is not over yet, right?"

"If you don't want to play, you don't want to play..." Feng Jing gritted his teeth and said, "Anyway, every time I get beaten by the opposite person, I can't get a head!"

Speaking of this, she was very angry! The game, of course, is fun to win! Then she can't win, naturally she will be in a bad mood!

Yan Fei suddenly laughed, "So the scenery is so angrily giving up now?"

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