Because of the uncrowned king's love affairs, there is no interest in the lively scenes on the Internet. When she was secretly dating Yan Fei, she ushered in her first month off.

People in love have to be separated. Of course, they will be reluctant to leave. The scenery lies in the infirmary and still refuses to leave. She lay on Yan Fei's body, wrinkled her face and said, "I want to take you home."

"The scenery can't be mentioned." Yan Fei was lying on the bed, with scenery on her body. She patted the back of scenery without a moment, and said softly: "I also hate scenery, but only separated for two days. That's it, two days later, we can meet again."

"If you don't see each other in a day, then I'm going to be separated from you for six years?" The scenery is even more lazily lying on his stomach, not wanting to move.

Yan Fei was made fun of by the conversion unit of Fengjing, and she touched the back of Fengjing's head and said, "The other people have already left school. If Fengguang doesn't leave, your driver will call again."

"Let him wait a little longer..." Feng Jing frowned. Before, she only wished to have a holiday, but now it was time for the holiday, and she felt unhappy again.

Yan Fei rolled over and pressed the scenery under her body. She pushed away the bangs of the scenery and dropped a kiss on her forehead, "It won't be long before we will meet again."

Scenery pouted dissatisfiedly, and Yan Fei kissed it. A soft and gentle kiss was full of tangles. Scenery had long been used to Yan Fei’s kiss. She took the initiative to open her lips to greet Yan Fei. Better offense. Slowly, she felt Yan Fei's hand slip into her skirt along her thigh, exploring there little by little.

Scenery's eyes widened, but Yan Fei still did not end the kiss. She deserves to be a student of medicine. She easily identified the weakest and most difficult part of her body. She also knew what to do. People get great happiness.

Finally, Yan Fei let go of Feng's lips, but Feng Feng immediately raised his hand to cover his mouth, preventing himself from making a sound, Yan Fei unbuttoned a button of Feng's school uniform and kissed Feng's better. On the side of her neck, she bit and chuckled, "This is a gift before parting. I hope the scenery will like it."

Feng Guang's face flushed, and she couldn't say a word. Yan Fei knew that such a stimulus was still too great for Feng Guang, but she wanted to do this a long time ago, and... It's even more excessive.

Time seemed to have passed for a long time, Yan Fei took out her wet fingers, and in front of the scenery, she licked it with the tip of her tongue little by little. Finally, she stared at the scenery like a burning cloud and smiled:" I also like the sweet scenery."

The scenery is good at covering his face, afraid to look at her.

Yan Fei sat up holding her again, helped her organize her clothes, and whispered in her ear: "This is something that only I can do to the scenery, right?"

"Hmm..." Scenery nodded slightly.

Yan Feiqing raised Feng's chin and stared at her for a long time, until she became more embarrassed to see her, she put a kiss on Feng's lips, and said in a low voice, "So there is nothing to be shy about... "

I can see that because of her, her body is so happy, Yan Fei will also have a strong sense of satisfaction, which is a sense of satisfaction that she has never experienced before.

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