Before the separation, Yan Fei gave Feng Guang a such a big excitement. Even when Feng Feng returned home, she couldn't help thinking about what happened in the infirmary that day. After that, she was blushing and she was going to swear inwardly. Si is really a good scheming, even if she is not by her side, the scenery can't help thinking about her all the time.

Scenery lay on the bed holding a pillow, and sighed deeply. As expected, they were the worst enemies of men and women in love.

"The scenery, have you packed up yet?" Xia Chao's voice came from outside the door.

Feng Guang sat up on the bed and remembered that she was going to a banquet with her dad today. She yelled quickly, and quickly changed clothes and makeup. After 20 minutes, she opened the door and saw her father. The impatient face, the scenery snorted, there was no embarrassment, "The girl said that it will take so long..."

"I know." Xia Chao's expression immediately became a little weird, "Just like your mother."

Scenery walked down the stairs, "It's fine you know."

Xia Chaolai would not blame the scenery, and he could only follow his fate.

Today I’m going to participate in a banquet hosted by the mayor of City A. Local celebrities and entrepreneurs will come to participate. This kind of banquet is also a good place to talk about business and deal with business. Chao knew that Wang Ci would definitely come too, let the scenery cry casually, Wang Ci, who had not returned home for a long time, would also return to Xia's house for a while.

But this banquet was held in Yan's hotel, so when the scenery saw Yan Fei with exquisite makeup in a group of people, she was stunned.

Obviously, Yan Fei also saw the scenery at a glance. She was about to walk towards it with a smile, but Yan Ce took her hand and said something. The scenery couldn't hear the scenery and she walked over.

Yan Ce frowned, "Don't you think you are walking too close to her?"

"But I don't think I'm close enough to her." Yan Fei smiled and took out his hand, turned around, and took the hand of Guangxi. She asked in a low voice, "Do you miss me?"

Feng Guang glanced at Yan Ce, who looked unkind to her. She looked at Yan Fei and nodded, "I miss you."

Yan Fei raised his lips.

The waiter with the wine next to him didn't walk steadily, and his steps crooked. When the red wine on the plate was about to be spilled on the scenery, Yan Fei moved forward and the wine was all spilled behind her.

"Sorry... Miss..." The waiter looked shocked, "I didn't mean it."

There are too many people, he has to avoid this and that, and this will not pay attention.

"It's okay." Yan Fei smiled generously, and said to Feng Guang, "Will you accompany me to change clothes?"

"Okay." Without looking at his father, who was expecting her to take her mother home, Feng Guan didn't hesitate to leave with Yan Fei.

Yan Ce stood silent, and a woman's voice came from beside him, "It's good to be young."

"Mother..." Yan Ce called out as he looked at the woman who had come by at some point.

The woman didn't look at him, just smiled again, "But... it was too unexpected for me. Although unexpected, the result is always correct."

Yan Ce lowered his eyes.

On the other side, Yan Fei brought the scenery into a room on the second floor. She hugged the scenery and kissed her, and said, "I'll go to the bathroom and come out soon."

Scenery nodded and said "OK" before Yan Fei entered the bathroom.

Scenery never thought of meeting Yan Fei here. Now that she wants to come, she seems to have never understood Yan Fei's family background. Is she too careless? She sat on the sofa, thinking that her girlfriend was too incompetent. She was reflecting on herself when she heard Yan Fei’s voice in the bathroom, “Scenery, I forgot to take my clothes. You have my clothes, you can help me get them."

"Wait." Feng Jing got up and opened the closet. At this glance, she was a little bit stunned. There was no other reason. All of them were white shirts. She only knew that Yan Fei always liked to wear simple and elegant clothes, but she didn't expect her. She also prefers white shirts. The scenery took a piece of clothing and admired it carefully. When she saw the sleeves, she was taken aback.

Yan Fei heard the knock on the door, she opened the door a crack, and was about to smile and jokingly asked Feng Guang if she wanted to come in and take a bath together. The unprepared piece of clothing was unceremoniously thrown in her arms.

The scenery said blankly: "Yan Fei, the uncrowned king, or should I call you your majesty like everyone else?"

Yan Fei was silent for a while, "Can I close the door now?"

"You dare to close the door and try!" The increased volume of the scenery proved that her current mood is extremely bad.

Okay... Yan Fei really didn't dare to close the door.

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