If the scenery were to know what Yan Ce was thinking, she would definitely sneer. Yan Fei was her darling, and of course she would not make heavy moves subconsciously.

Maybe others don't know, but the scenery is very confident in her own plug-in, let alone a dozen ten, now her body movement speed, even hiding bullets is not a problem.

Yan Ce finally walked to the door, "Don't you want to see Yan Fei? Come with me."

Scenery hurriedly followed his pace, and seeing Yan Fei was now the most important thing for her.

It was school time. Seeing that it was the director of the Political and Education Office taking the students out of the school gate, the guard did not dare to stop. There was a car waiting outside the school gate, and the scenery followed Yan Ce to get in.

The car drove to the outskirts, and the scenery along the way was unwilling to appreciate. Yan Ce saw that she was not panicked and nervous at all, but had an expression of worry about Yan Fei.

Yan Ce withdrew his sarcasm again. He was thinking about a question. If Yan Fei is unwilling to give up the scenery at that time, should he stand on Yan Fei's side or He Ling's side?

There is no doubt that he will choose He Ling.

After about an hour's drive, they finally reached their destination, which was a villa on a mountain far from the city.

Yan Fei must be here!

The scenery is almost impossible for Yan Ce to say that you regret it now. She has already walked towards the gate by herself and entered the magnificent hall. There are only many closed doors but no one.

She looked back, and even Yan Ce who accompanied her in was gone.

Taking the weirdness for granted, Yan Ce cannot disappear out of thin air.

Scenery felt an inexplicable and dangerous atmosphere. Reason clamored for her to go out quickly and stop going inside, but emotions told her that she must find Yan Fei to leave.

From the first floor to the third floor, there were many closed doors. The scenery didn’t know which door was Yan Fei. Since she didn’t know, she tried it over and over again. She opened the door on the first floor again. When she reached the second floor and held the handle of one of the doors again, she had a feeling at this moment that it was this door.

Scenery clenched the doorknob with both hands, but couldn't turn it anymore. She was unwilling to give up, so she put on all her strength. At this moment, her plug-in seemed to be working, and the doorknob finally turned.

As the door opened, the first thing that revealed a dim light, extremely dark, and then a strong smell of blood... At this moment, the consciousness of scenery fell into darkness, as the sound of the body falling to the ground sounded, the villa Li also completely restored his calm.


In the simple white room, a ray of sunlight poured in, awakening the sleeping people.

The person on the bed opened his eyes and looked at the strange ceiling. She was in a daze for a moment, and then, when she was picked up by someone, she regained her sanity.

"Scenery, are you full?" Yan Fei's voice was low and powerful, and he hugged her tightly, just like every time he got close to her.

Feng Jing was a little bit painful, "How come I came back here..."

"What does the scenery say?" Yan Fei smiled and looked at her. "Today is our wedding day. Where should you be if you are not here?"

"Marriage..." The scenery was taken aback, wasn't she still in the villa on the mountain before? By the way, she seemed to faint suddenly, "Yan Fei, how long have I slept?"

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