"Um... six hours." Yan Fei glanced at his watch and said, "Because today is the day of marriage, the scenery hasn't been a good sleep."

The scenery only noticed at this time that Yan Fei was wearing a black suit with a white shirt inside. It looked formal and charming. Looking at this room, it was full of flowers and balloons. She even saw one on a hanger. A white wedding dress.

Yan Fei is right. This is their wedding day.

But she was in a daze, and she still couldn't figure out whether it was an illusion before or now. If it was an illusion, no matter which one it was, it would happen too real.

Yan Fei had already walked over with the wedding dress and said, "The guests outside are waiting for us, the scenery quickly change clothes, let's go out together."

Yeah, how can someone wait for marriage?

After receiving the wedding dress in a daze, the scenery came back to his senses temporarily and said: "Okay..."

"I'm waiting for you outside the door." Yan Fei lowered his head and kissed the forehead of Guangxi before going out and closing the door by the way.

Perhaps it was in a state of perplexity. The scenery could only act according to Yan Fei's words. She put on a white wedding dress. The sky full of stars on the wedding dress knew that it was clothes designed by Yan Fei himself.

When she looked at herself in the mirror, she suddenly realized that she was really going to be a bride. She was going to marry Yan Fei and become his wife. Then... she would become the happiest woman in the world. .

It's just like……

Who is it like?

She was stunned suddenly. The words in her mind seemed to be stuck and she couldn't remember anything. At this moment, Yan Fei's voice came from outside, "Scenery, are you okay?"

When the scenery came back in a daze, she went to open the door, and when she saw Yan Fei, she finally laughed, "I'm dressed."

"I know that the scenery must be very beautiful in a wedding dress." Yan Fei bends down slightly, and he said, "I will make up for the scenery, okay?"

"Okay." She said sweetly. She is still very confident in Yan Fei's makeup skills. Even if she is a girl, she also believes that Yan Fei's makeup skills can definitely surpass her.

Yan Fei is very serious about the face of scenery. Whether it is eye makeup or lip makeup, it must be the most suitable for scenery, and Yan Fei's movements are more skilled, but only after about forty minutes, the beautiful face of scenery It's even more beautiful.

Yan Fei hugged her from behind, "Is the scenery still satisfactory?"

"Satisfied..." She looked at him behind her through the mirror, and couldn't help but smile.

Yan Fei said, "Then let's go out soon, the parents of Guangxi have been waiting for a long time."

"Mum and Dad...it's a bad thing. If we are late together because of me, it will be bad if they have a bad impression of you." Feng Jing took Yan Fei's hand and walked out and asked as he walked: "It's all here today. What guest?"

"Naturally, those relatives in the scenery are indispensable. Song Ye also came with Qi Fangfang. By the way, I also invited my former colleagues in Shuhuo High School."

Feng Feng listened to Yan Fei reading a bunch of people. After thinking about it, she still asked: "Did you not invite Yan Ce?"

He is Yan Fei's younger brother after all.

Unexpectedly, Yan Fei paused, he asked, "What is Fengjing talking about? Yan Ce has been dead for many years."

"Dead...no, why..." The scenery stopped abruptly.

She slowly pulled out the hand held by Yan Fei, and backed step by step. She raised her hand to hold her head. Suddenly she had a splitting headache. The picture in front of her kept flashing, and finally it was the one where she opened the door. moment.

In the dark environment, it was the **** scene.

Broken corpses, blood stained the carpet.

Only in that clean corner, the man with blood on his face, holding the girl in a coma in his arms, in this **** world, only the girl in his arms is clean.

The girl who sleeps peacefully...is the scenery.

What he is holding is the scenery... Then who is she?

The man's icy gaze swept over, the pupils of the person standing at the door shrank and his eyes widened in panic.


The white room was full of the smell of disinfectant water, and the woman bound by the restraint belt suddenly opened her eyes on the bed. She described it as haggard, only the opened eyes were extraordinarily bright.

She breathed sharply, it seemed that she hadn't breathed so freely for a long time, and the breathing at this time, for her, made people feel a little extravagant.

"You finally woke up..."

She saw four or five doctors in white coats surrounding herself and said in unison: "Miss Zhou Xiaoqing, congratulations, you finally wake up from your imagination."

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