Everything is like an illusion.

An illusion that belongs to Zhou Xiaoqing alone.

As she woke up, the doctors took her to a psychological test. No matter what others said, she responded in silence. It seemed that Zhou Xiaoqing was not aggressive anymore, and the doctors solved her problem. However, she still couldn't leave the room in the mental hospital.

Zhou Xiaoqing's mentality is still in a muddle-headed state. What she is most used to doing is to stay in a daze at the corner of the bed every day. She refuses to talk to anyone. From her sluggish eyes, it can be seen that her mind is still in a blank state.

"Mr. Wen, it is a great improvement for Miss Zhou to wake up." The doctor outside the door was explaining to the distinguished guests who came today. Just like everyone else, the doctor could not understand. How could the proud son of Heaven see a woman with an ordinary background and a serious hypothesis?

However, although there are many things that I can't figure out, Wen Hao spent a lot of money on the treatment of Zhou Xiaoqing. After all, the doctors in their mental hospital only collect money to do things. As for other things, they are not in their charge.

Wen Hao looked at the person on the other side of the window and said in a deep voice, "Does she know who she is now?"

"According to our observations, she now knows who she is, but she has not yet emerged from her world."

"Not out of my own world...what do you mean?"

"To be precise, although she already knows who she is, she still has an attitude of refusing to recognize reality, that is to say, she is still repelling and resisting the real world, so her current mind is still a kind of dissociation. I want to use this to escape reality." The doctor flipped through the medical records and said: "It is precisely because of escaping from reality that Miss Zhou created a spiritual world for herself and imagined herself as another person. To avoid the reality that makes you painful."

Zhou Xiaoqing has a serious hypothesis. Because she escapes reality, she has created another world for herself. In this world, she has become another person, a person she admires.

It is the scenery.

Zhou Xiaoqing admires the scenery. Whether it is the family background of the scenery or the life of the scenery, it is envied by Zhou Xiaoqing. She was not intentional. This was completely unconscious. She and the scenery are friends, and she has experienced the scenery. She knows most of the things, not to mention, she has also heard the scenery tell her own experiences.

The scenery is the envy of Zhou Xiaoqing, whether it is family or love... She has everything Zhou Xiaoqing wants.

Before she knew it, Zhou Xiaoqing, who was becoming more and more autistic, slowly abandoned her personality. She hid in her own world, fantasized about herself as a beautiful scenery, and experienced what the scenery had experienced.

And the only way to wake her up is to wait for her to remember that what she is thinking of is actually not herself.

The hypnotherapy of the doctors was not ineffective, didn't Zhou Xiaoqing wake up like this?

After three years in a muddle, she finally woke up.

"Miss Zhou hides in her own world only when she is stimulated." The doctor said, "Although we don't know how she was stimulated, according to Mr. Wen's investigation, Miss Zhou was on a certain day three years ago. Something wrong began to appear. During the time when Miss Zhou was in a coma, we guided Miss Zhou back to that day. Only after the stimulation of the incident again, she would realize the irrationality of the world she exists. , So that I remember my true identity, and wake up from the imaginary world."

Wen Hao just looked at Zhou Xiaoqing intently, "She woke up, but she still hasn't changed back to her before."

"Miss Zhou needs time to recover." The doctor sighed. "When will she be able to recover completely, we can't give a definite answer."

The human spirit is the most difficult thing to predict and figure out.

Wen Hao stood in front of the window for a long time. He left in the evening. There was a text message from his parents on his mobile phone. "The scenery is your former fiancee. She will get married tomorrow. I heard that the groom is the school doctor from her high school. Wen Hao, when will you bring a girlfriend back?"

"When my girlfriend comes out of the mental hospital, I will take her back to see you." Wen Hao turned off the phone after sending the text message.

Just like the scenery does not care about his life, Wen Hao does not pay attention to the scenery, no one should be a supporting role in whose life.

Everyone is his own protagonist.

The stories of others have come to a successful conclusion, and his story has just begun.

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