When you wake up and find that the world has stopped turning, how would you feel?

If you asked the question of Fengjing before, her answer would only be "I don't know", but now, even if she answers, she has lost the strength to speak.

After being at a loss, it was panic. When the panic reached the extreme, she reached an inexplicable calm. Perhaps her emotions had reached a level of numbness, so she also felt that everything had reached the point of indifferent. However, when the numbness passed, the consciousness that should have slowly returned, and she began to feel a strong fear again.

The wind had already stopped, the fallen leaves stayed in the air, and the birds on the branches about to take off just maintained their wings spread.

The scenery passes through one after another still people. In this gray-white world, she is the only one in this red dress that looks like an alien, an alien abandoned by the world.

"Wuya..." The scenery was chanting the name idiotically. She saw the Taoist Master Yun standing in Tai Chi Square, and also saw Fei Ziyuan who was going down the mountain to meet the male protagonist Thousand Breaths. No one would respond to her.

The scenery came to the gate of the mountain, and as far as the eyes were concerned, there was only a gray mountain peak, the so-called fairy mist, all seemed to be a cloud of black and white gas.

The mountains are no longer green, and the water is no longer clear. In this gray world, she is the only one left.

"Wuya..." She finally slumped to the ground feebly, and the scenery slowly shrank her body into a ball, her head buried in her knees, and finally choked out, "Where are you..."

He said that he would protect her for the rest of his life and stay by her side. On their wedding night, she got too many promises, but he still disappeared.

If Wuya abandoned the scenery...

Only this gray was left in her world.

Yes, Wuya... How can you leave the scenery?

In the white room full of computer equipment, the man sleeping on the recliner opened his eyes. His black eyes reflected the appearance of a laboratory. At this moment, his pupils shrank.

The assistant in white clothes next to him immediately walked over excitedly and took off the chip on the man's temple, "Doctor, you finally woke up!"

Not only the assistant, but other people were also very happy. "This time the doctor woke up three hours later than expected. We all thought this bug was too powerful, so that the doctors felt troublesome and couldn’t get rid of it. We came out in the creation, but fortunately, we managed to shut down the system compulsorily. Although restoring the system will waste our efforts over the past few years, it is better than a PhD."

"Creation" is a miracle in the history of human computers, or to be precise, a miracle in simulation programs.

With the development of the times, society is indeed progressing, but because of life and work, the pressure of mankind will become greater and greater. Many people will choose to end their lives because they want to escape reality.

"Creation" was born for this.

The managers of "Creation" will provide a world for those who use the creation. Of course, this world exists virtually. People who wear sensors can enter the virtual world with their consciousness and get the most real feelings. They can become a generation of heroes or a generation of wealthy businessmen, even the prince of a country, these are not impossible.

However, in the "Creation" program self-derived Xianxia world, there has been a bug that is not controlled by the administrator program.

The so-called BUG is a loophole that may cause the program to crash.

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