It can be said that 90% of the code for the "Creation" program was written by one person alone, and this person is known as the wizard of the computer world-Wu Yajun.

Of course, Mr. Wuya is not his original name, but no one knows his original name, so every time when a wizard in computer history is mentioned, everyone will only mention the code name of Mr. Wuya. Over time, this is also Became his name.

The name is just a code name, but it is because a person makes this code name have a different status.

It's like the code written by Wuyajun, allowing "Creation" to be born on the Internet, but this program is written by Wuyajun himself, so when there is a BUG, ​​there is only Wuyajun alone. Can be resolved.

The discovery of a BUG was an accident. For everyone, it is also an incredible thing. After all, Mr. Wu Ya’s position in the computer world is unshakable. The program he wrote has never made a mistake. Mr. Wu Ya is already a Deified character.

So, how could there be bugs in the code he wrote?

But it did appear.

Because in the world of "Creation", the NPC (non-player-controlled character) named Xia Fengguang suddenly did not act according to the programmed route. Not only did she leave the East China Sea ahead of time, she accelerated her understanding of Feizi. Yuan Yuan's plot, moreover, she is not cold with Qian Xi.

In the correct code instructions, she should like Qianxi.

But the scenery is not there. All her behaviors are out of control. A single NPC does not act according to the code instructions. Some people may say that this problem is not big, but the program can often be all because of a small loophole. Crash, otherwise, why do some large-scale online games often need to be maintained and updated?

This is to prevent the emergence of BUG.

Wuya just glanced at the source code, and he understood that if he wanted to solve this bug, he could only choose to restart the system and restore the system to its original state. However, over the years, the efforts of the entire laboratory have been limited. Turned into nothingness.

He found a second way to personally enter the world of "Creation". Now that the NPC named Xia Guangguang has her own sense of action, he only needs to let her perish in "Creation". can.

To put it more simply, it is the self-destruction of the program.

The time elapsed between the world in "Creation" and the real world is 8000:1. In other words, 8,000 days have passed in "Creation", and only one day has passed in the real world. The time that Wu Ya Jun gave his assistant It was ten hours, but he spent thirteen hours in "Creation".

After all, the BUG of "Creation" is extraordinary. Perhaps Xia Fengguang is too powerful in the virtual world, and Mr. Wu Ya has something unexpected.

If you stay in the virtual world for too long, your body will gradually become weak, so the 71st administrator uses his own authority to create an anti-virus software, which is to assassinate the scenery in the endless sky Man in black.

He accepted only one instruction, to clear the BUG and maintain system security.

But for some reason, this anti-virus software finally disappeared. It is indeed a bug in "Creation", and even the code of the anti-virus software made by the administrator can be swallowed. It seems that this summer scenery is really not to be underestimated.

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