For example, the magic seed.

The demon... is just the servitor summoned by the wizard, but in order to make themselves stronger, the wizard will integrate themselves with the servitor. They gain power and become a half-man, half-devil seed.

Strictly speaking, these people are no longer humans.

Herman said lightly: "Who helped you become a demon?"

Light and Darkness are originally two opposing factions. It is impossible for the Demon Seed to live in the Holy See blessed by the Goddess of Light for a long time without being noticed. Then, there is only one answer, during the time when Ailuo fled. Here, he became a demon seed.

Ai Luo sneered, "Do you think I'll tell you? A running dog of the Holy See!"

At the end of the speech, Ai Luo's hand that had turned into a hook sickle became even bigger. He stepped back, and a pair of praying mantis wings grew behind him. He had already flown towards Herman.

Hermann was not in a hurry, even without moving his steps. He closed his eyes and seemed to sigh softly, "May God forgive you."

Bathed in the sun, he seems to be a **** who is compassionate to all living beings.

But he is not a **** after all, no **** can be as cruel as Herman.

The pure white magic circle appeared in the air suddenly, Ai Luo stopped in the air, and could not advance any further, the magic circle released a holy brilliance, and the first contact with the light was Ai Luo's hook sickle. , He watched his sickle turn into ashes and disappear, and intense pain struck inch by inch. He looked at Herman viciously, "Darkness will flood the whole world one day, and the Holy See will no longer exist. , Running dogs of the Holy See, enjoy your last bit of time! Hahaha..."

Ai Luo laughed, and yelled out of pain, in a stern but strange voice, he disappeared into this holy light.

Everything was calm, and the episode just now seemed to have never happened.

Scenery stood behind Hermann, unable to recover for a long time. It was surprising enough to see a human being turned into a so-called demon seed, not to mention that she soon saw this demon seed frustrated and ashes...

"your Highness."

The deserted voice sounded again, and the scenery was a step away from Hermann subconsciously. She well showed the fear and panic that the little girl should have at this moment, especially when she pinched herself to force a bit of tears, she was at a loss with a pair His eyes looked at Herman.

It’s a pity that these couldn’t move Hermann. He didn’t even blink his eyes, glanced at the review book that was torn to pieces on the ground, then looked down at her, and he calmly said, "Hope the princess can give me a reasonable explanation of."

"I..." Scenery blinked aggrievedly, "I was scared just now. When I was scared... I would always tear things involuntarily..."

She was impressed by her superb acting skills. Naturally, she tore up this review book deliberately. Otherwise, would it be possible to take it back and copy the wrong words twenty times? Just kidding, she glanced at it roughly, and she made one-third of the typos.

"His Royal Highness is young, and it is normal for her to react accordingly when she is afraid."

? ? ?

The scenery looked at Herman in disbelief, and secretly asked why this servant suddenly became so talkative? Although she thinks her acting skills are good, he doesn't believe it so fast.

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