Herman stretched out his hand, all the paper fragments flew to his palm, and soon recovered to their complete appearance, "Your Royal Highness, I hope that next time you feel scared, you can hold your head."

Scenery: "..."

"Your Royal Highness doesn't plan to take it back?"

Scenery moved slowly and stretched out her hand, taking over what was in Herman's hand. Her smile was uglier than crying, "Thank you, Master Bishop."

"This is my honour." Herman bowed his head slightly in a gentleman manner, and placed his right hand on his left chest. Only his immutable tone didn't sound so respectful, "May God forgive the princess's unintentional mistake. ."

Scenery held her skirt and curtseyed in return, even though she was a little funny with her small body making such a lady's action, "Master Bishop, goodbye."

As soon as the voice fell, she turned around and left. After walking a certain distance in a proper manner, she ran again.

God, she really doesn't want to face this man anymore!

Back to the palace, the scenery honestly copied the wrong words twenty times. This time she said nothing to see Hermann. She sent a maid to give this "homework" to Hermann, no After a long time, the maid came back and brought a bad news, "Bishop Herman said that some words written by the princess were irregular and needed to be rewritten. The bishop asked the princess to mark his words. Copy each one thirty times."

Scenery broke a quill on the spot.

For social harmony! She endured it!

In the end, Feng Guang didn't know how many times she had copied it. After Herman accepted her homework with satisfaction, she was already able to write well.

Feng Feng didn't want to admit that she used to not even scratch her brush properly, but now she is forced to write neat characters with a quill pen!

She is guilty!

However, the scenery is always going to the Holy See, this time, it is for her close attendant.

"His Royal Highness, there are three candidates here." Father Phil, who was fat, respectfully handed a list to Feng Guang.

The servants used to protect the royal family have always been selected by the Holy See, and this time is no exception. Of course, these three candidates are the three most outstanding among this group of people.

The close attendant is a shield and weapon that accompanies the owner throughout his life. Even though the scenery is still young, the right to choose is still in her hands. The king and queen are still praying outside, and the scenery has a reason to come to the inner temple.

Just a cursory glance at the portraits and introductions on the list. To be honest, the scenery is not much interested. What puts a person's destiny on her own body, which is a very stressful thing for her. , If she can, of course she wants not to choose.

But this is something against the rules.

Scenery glanced at the diligent Father Phil, coughed and said, "Go and bring those three people over for me to meet."

"Okay, your Royal Highness wait a moment." Father Phil walked out immediately.

Scenery immediately jumped off the tall stool, and she also walked to the door. She thought very clearly that as long as she couldn't find her person, the so-called selection of close attendants could also be eased.

The buildings of the Holy See were huge, and the scenery was difficult to push the heavy and tall door open a crack, she got out, and closed the door intimately.

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