After closing the door just now, Feng Jing turned around with confidence, unpreparedly, she saw an extra black tentacle in front of her. Before she could react, this tentacle was cut off again, followed by a painful roar.

The scenery blankly looked at Herman in front of him, unable to help but stand up straight, and he stood straight, "Master Bishop..."

She saw behind him again, a group of people were carrying iron cages one after another. Inside the cages were half-human and half-devil seeds, and the one who had just been transported had a leg turned into an octopus. people.

"your Highness."

Feng Guang was really afraid of this opening remark. She reduced her expression again and put on a serious look, so she had to listen carefully to what he taught.

"At this time, you should be choosing a close attendant." Herman's eyes fell slightly. Although he was looking at her, he never made people think that he was going to talk to her seriously. After all, his attitude was never Will be level with children.

The scenery's eyes were erratic, but she didn't dare not answer his question. She whispered, "I don't want a close attendant..."

"The servant is used to protect the safety of the princess."

"I know..." Scenery always likes to make small movements when she has a guilty conscience. She tugged at the corners of her skirt, pursing her lips and said, "I just don't want to be a servant..."

"Every member of the royal family needs a shield to resist danger and a sword to attack the enemy. This is the reason for the existence of close attendants." Herman said flatly: "His Royal Highness is noble and rebellious. Appeared on you."

"This is not rebellion..." When Jing saw his dark eyes again, she couldn't help but lowered her head and changed her mouth, "Well...I'm just rebellious."

This look of correcting his mistakes should prevent him from preaching to himself...

"I hope that the princess can realize how weak he is. I don't always appear when the princess is in danger."

"Isn't it because of you every time I'm in danger..." Feeling Herman's eyes still falling on her, she slowly raised her hand to cover her mouth, not daring to say any more.

In fact, what she said is really right. The first time it was Ai Luo, this person was captured by Hermann’s people, and the second time is now. Since the incident with Ai Luo, Hermann has started to go crazy. The person who cleaned up the Wizards’ Association hidden in Xia Zhiguo. It is said that he has been busy for more than a month and caught a lot of demons. Many people said that he wanted to perform well in front of the Pope and waited to become the next. A pope.

Herman Quandang didn't hear the words of the scenery. In fact, he didn't hear it, and no one else would know. This person will always have only one expression on his face, and he can see what hell.

Scenery feels particularly stressed, and she can be sure that if Herman didn't consider himself a princess, he would have already put himself in a dungeon.

The scenery began to look uncomfortably, and finally she took Hermann's hand, "Master Bishop, you are injured! May I call the doctor?"

Hermann glanced at his hand. On the back of his hand, there was nothing more than a scratch from a tree branch, with only a little blood stained.

Is it necessary to call a doctor?

It's cold...

The scenery tremblingly put Herman's hand down, "Master Bishop, you look a little strange today..."

For a moment, he said, "What's the blame?"

"It's so beautiful..." In order to agree with her own words, the scenery laughed again, but after seeing Hermann's indifferent look, she slowly turned into a crying face again, "I was wrong... I'm sorry."

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