Herman's complexion remained unchanged, "His Royal Highness is still young and has no interest in choosing a close attendant. If the Princess does not like it, the priest will keep it down for a while."

"But Master Bishop, the princess is about to turn six years old. As usual, it is time for her to choose a close attendant." Father Phil is a person who doesn't like breaking the rules. For him, he can become a small monk. The priest is also the result of his strict adherence to the rules and conscientious work.

Herman's expression was cold, and even his voice was dull, but he seemed to be really thinking about Father Phil's question, "After all, the attendant is only used to protect the safety of the royal family. Why don't Father Phil look for Luo? Sister Fu makes a fortune telling to see if there is any crisis in her Royal Highness in the recent period."

"The bishop meant..."

"If there is a crisis, the selection of a close servant is of course urgent. If it is smooth sailing, then the selection of a close servant can be slowed down." Herman said lightly: "Children are always confused, the priest might as well. Go talk to the king and queen."

Father Phil just thought for a while, and said: "The bishop's words are reasonable. Of course, the king and queen need to take care of the affairs of your Royal Highness.

Successfully distracted, Father Phil saluted Hermann again and left with someone.

When the figures of the few people disappeared, Herman said coldly: "Come out."

The scenery opened Herman's clothes and walked out slowly.

Herman glanced at her, because she was lowering her head, so he could only see the top of her head, "This kind of thing can't happen next time."

"Oh..." Feng Jing pointed his finger obediently, "Master Bishop, thank you for helping me just now."

"I'm not helping you, but I don't want Father Phil to get involved with me and waste my time because of His Royal Highness's affairs." Herman stepped back, "Your Royal Highness, goodbye."

After performing the etiquette according to the rules, Herman really turned and left this time.

The scenery curled her lips, and only said in her heart that this Herman was really tugging. She also snorted and turned and left.

Perhaps the result of the divination was not bad. For a long time, Father Phil did not come to urge the princess to choose a close attendant. The scenery was happy, even when she looked at her literature teacher, she felt pleasing to the eye. less.

However, on the day of September 7th, Feng Guang had to be pulled busy by her mother again. This day is her birthday, which is her sixth birthday.

The birthday of the royal family is always held lively and grand, not to mention the scenery is still the youngest generation in the royal family. Every year, her birthday party is held extremely grand.

Naturally, the princes and ministers who came to the banquet did not need to say, what made the scenery unexpected is that this time it was not the pope who came to send her blessings, but Hermann.

The person she least wants to see now is, so to speak, Herman.

Seeing Hermann, the king and queen greeted him cordially, "I didn't expect Hermann Bishop to come over. It was really surprising, but...what about the Pope?"

"The Pope is not in good health." Herman said without emotion after the salute: "So, it is me who prayed for the princess this year."

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