"Wendy, come here." The king beckoned.

The scenery hiding in the corner pretending to be non-existent had to come out slowly. She moved step by step, but her face was not so pretty. Finally, she quickly walked in front of Hermann.

The queen said cordially: "Wendy, Bishop Hermann rarely goes out of the Holy See to participate in banquets. This time he is willing to pray for the goddess' blessings for you, but it is your great honor.

The scenery didn't smile, "Thank you, Lord Bishop, for willing to come."

She didn't feel honored at all.

In the eyes of others, it is completely impossible for Hermann to appear in a crowded occasion, but now, he does appear here.

The scenery looked at the cold Herman and didn't want to say anything. She just listened to her parents to say hello. As for other things, it must be her parents.

Because Hermann is always the same face, no one can know if he is bored with the nagging of the king and the queen. After all, he is a man of courtesy, and the scenery is certain, even if he is real. If he doesn't like this lively occasion, he will never show it.

Hermann prayed for the scenery at the banquet. This is a unique custom in the country of summer. The birth of a person is blessed by the goddess of light, and he wants to live smoothly in the following time , Then you all need to be grateful to the goddess for giving yourself life in the world, and at the same time pray, to continue to be blessed by the goddess.

The so-called goddess is not a goddess, the scenery has always been unbelief. She has never believed in these things. There is a saying that it is better to beg for yourself. She does not believe it. If one day she is really in danger, the goddess of light will still Can you jump out to protect her?

Although I thought so in my mind, the rules on the surface should still be followed.

Herman touched her forehead with a finger soaked in holy water, "May God protect her Royal Highness from the healthy growth."

The scenery is pleasing to the eye, "May I be protected by God."

Herman retracted his hand and said calmly: "For the next month, please your Royal Highness not to eat any meat-related foods."

"Yes..." Feng Jing answered very obediently. In fact, she was dissatisfied. This is what she hates most. Every time she accepts her birthday blessing, she has to eat a month of vegetarian food. It is said that this is for Show your sincerity.

However, although Feng Jing answered well, it did not mean that she had no countermeasures. She had expected such a day for a long time, so she kept a lot of things under the bed, such as beef jerky.

Of course, she could not let the maid see these things when she ate them. The scenery quietly hid the things in her small bag, and then slipped into the flower garden quietly. She got into a bush, on the other side of the bush. , Is an open grassland.

I couldn’t wait to put my snacks on the ground, and the scenery was content to taste the beef jerky. These days, if you can’t eat meat, then you really can’t eat meat. The birds are fading out of her mouth, and now she tastes meat. She sighed with satisfaction.

As for all the rules, let it go to hell. She is an atheist and has no idea about goddess beliefs, so she won't really abide by the rules!

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