"Please stop!" A young man ran into the distance again, standing in front of the noble youth, "We are from the country of spring, this is our prince Richard, we are not bad people, nor hostility."

Eve can obviously feel that this man is also a knight, doesn't he always say that his colleagues are enemies? She looked at the sword on the man’s waist, trying to compare it to something unusual, but the responsibility was greater than anything else. She asked: "If this coma is Prince Richard, then who are you?"

"I am the prince's close attendant, Arnold." The man made a chivalry gracefully. His handsome face is full of sincerity, which is really hard to doubt.

But this obviously didn't make Eve put her guard down, she asked: "Since you are from the Spring Kingdom, why did you come to the coast of the Summer Kingdom? And your prince is still in a coma."

"His Royal Highness traveled by boat. When approaching the Kingdom of Xia, we encountered a storm. Our boat was broken and the Prince Palace fell into the sea. He did not know how to swim. I found him for a long time before I found the prince here. Your Highness." At this point, Arnold said with lingering fear: "Our people have been missing more than half in the sea. Fortunately, Your Highness was brought to the coast by the water, otherwise I would really bear the blame."

Scenery was completely in a state of not wanting to speak, she knew that this unconscious noble youth was the hero of the story "Daughter of the Sea", and it turned out that she thought well.

Eve is not beautiful, she continued to ask: "You said you are a prince and a close attendant from the Land of Spring, how do you prove your identity?"

"His Royal Highness has a royal emblem on his body." Arnold squatted down again and took out a ring in Richard's arms. "Look, everyone, this is the royal emblem of the Kingdom of Spring, the Libra of the Goddess of Light."

"Yes, it is indeed the royal emblem of the Land of Spring..." Eve saw it at a glance. Since she can become a close attendant of the scenery, her education level will naturally not be low. She looked at the scenery and waited for the order of the scenery.

The scenery paused, and she looked at Herman naturally. She was waiting for his decision. Even if it was about identity, her status here should be the highest.

Herman simply said: "Without customs clearance, Xia Zhiguo will not accept visits from other countries. Please go back how you two came."

Doesn't this mean to make people jump into the sea! ?

Scenery glanced at the rough waves, and suddenly agreed with Hermann.

Arnold was stunned obviously because of Hermann’s words, and he said again: "This gentleman, the Kingdom of Spring and the Kingdom of Xia have always been good friends. Now our prince of the Kingdom of Spring is in trouble, but the Kingdom of Xia does not intend to take action. Isn't this unkind?"

"If it was unkind, I would have thrown you back into the sea a long time ago, instead of giving you the opportunity to choose to walk back into the sea by yourself."

"Puff..." Scenery couldn't help laughing because of Hermann's words.

Herman does have the ability to throw people back into the sea. This is true, she just thinks that he puts on a serious appearance and said these big words, it is really very interesting.

Just when Arnold was speechless, another team came over.

It was the king of the Kingdom of Xia and the soldiers who protected him. Seeing the scenery, His Royal Highness heaved a sigh of relief, "Wendy, I heard that you rode out of the palace. I am very worried about you."

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