"I'm sorry, Dad..." Scenery was a little embarrassed, she came out in a hurry, and indeed forgot to report to her father.

"You are fine." His Royal Highness looked at Hermann again, "It turns out that Bishop Hermann is also here."

"I saw that the princess went out of the palace and felt uneasy, so I came here and wanted to protect the princess." Herman answered neither humble nor overbearing, and the flat and straightforward language also has the charm of making people believe that what he said is fact.

Scenery heard her pounding heartbeat again. She still didn't understand why she would have such a big emotional reaction if he didn't look at herself.

"Wendy has trouble with Bishop Lao." His Royal Highness said apologies, and then his eyes fell on the two strangers, "These two are?"

"His Royal Highness, good day." Arnold put his right hand on his chest and said after a salute: "I am Prince Richard's close attendant, and the one who is unconscious is our Prince Richard."

The king could easily see the badge ring that Arnold was holding, and he quickly put on a polite smile, "It turned out to be the prince of the Spring Kingdom. You seem to have some trouble."

"Exactly." Arnold said respectfully: "His Royal Highness, Prince Richard is drowning in a coma. I sincerely plead with you here, and I hope you can help us."

"Of course, this is what I should do." The king had no reason to refuse. He raised his hand, and the soldiers behind him came over. He ordered: "Bring Prince Richard back to the palace safely. He will be our best Dear guest."

"Yes, your Royal Highness." The soldiers took their orders and began to move the man who was unconscious on the ground together.

The scenery frowned dissatisfied, but helpless, just want to solve a Richard matter, but did not want to rush out a close attendant Arnold, in the end, her father also ran out to join in the fun.

In order to maintain the image of His Royal Highness in the eyes of everyone, the scenery has to be sensible and not lose his temper. This is really a headache.

The king who had taken a few steps turned back, "Wendy."

"Here..." The listless scenery followed his father, and he had to go home with her father.

After all, I couldn’t help but look back. Herman was following the team unhurriedly. When he felt that the scenery was watching him, he also set his sights on the body of the scenery. The two of them collided. It was the scenery that blushed and turned his head away, never daring to look at him again.

After returning to the palace, I heard the gossiping maid said that because Prince Richard is a single nobleman, there are many maids secretly in love with Richard, thinking that he can fly on a branch and become a phoenix and become a country of spring. The princess.

Scenery didn’t care much about these. After I heard that Richard woke up, she even hid in the room and didn’t want to go out. She was afraid that one of them would meet Richard by chance. The hero of the fairy tale, it is better for her to avoid something.

But sometimes people are not as good as heaven.

After talking about Richard, the gossip maid mentioned another incident casually, "I heard that Bishop Hermann is bringing the saint to the palace today."

The sage, who was still in the happy world, immediately returned. She raised her head and asked: "You mean... Bishop Hermann is bringing the saint to our palace?"

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