Scenery never planned to follow the plot, she would never marry Richard.

"Hellman..." Lallahlman's hand, the scenery raised his head and said, "Or we can help her."

Herman never refused the request of the scenery, he just asked in a low voice: "How does Wendy want me to help her?"

"Let Ariel have a pair of human legs." The scenery said decisively.

Ariel's eyes lit up on the water, and she looked at Herman expectantly.

It’s not difficult for Hermann to make Ariel’s fishtails turn into legs. He raised his hand again, and the magic circle appeared in his hand. His mouth did not move, but Ariel’s mind sounded like a man. sound.

"If you want to get something, there is always a price. I can help you have a pair of human legs, but are you willing to pay the price?"

Ariel looked at Herman and looked at the scenery again. She knew it in her heart, but she nodded firmly and said in her mind: "I do."

"You will lose your voice after seeing Richard and speaking the first sentence with him."

Mermaid's singing voice is the most beautiful voice in the world. They like to sing, and their singing can make anyone obsessed.

Ariel knows that sound is very important, but this importance is not worth mentioning in front of the love she is chasing. She once again responded well in her mind, "I am willing to lose my voice and get a pair of human legs."

"Very well, God will agree to your request." The magic circle in Herman's hand glowed brightly.

The scenery only saw Ariel without any painful expression. When the light passed, Ariel crawled out of the water, and the scenery also saw Ariel's straight and beautiful legs.

It took Ariel a lot of energy to get up from the ground, but she also stood crookedly. She was not used to how to use these legs. It was a miracle that she could stand up now.

Scenery held Herman's hand and smiled at Ariel, "Congratulations."

"Thank you..." Ariel glanced at Herman again, and knew in her heart that she couldn't tell the price that she had paid. She asked the scenery expectantly, "Beautiful lady, do you know where Richard is? "

With a pair of legs, she can't wait to see him.

"Richard should be on the way to the Anders Mountains now, can wait for him to come back."

"No." Herman said lightly: "I can send her there."

When the words fell, the magic circle appeared at Ariel's feet again, and she was gone in the blink of an eye.

Scenery couldn't help feeling, "This skill is really easy to use."

Every time you want to go, just drive a magic circle. What kind of horse do you need to ride?

Herman, who had endured for a long time, picked up the scenery again, and his black robe fell to the ground, spreading it on the ground, and then laid the scenery flat on his robe.

The scenery feels bad, but his hand has slipped into her clothes, even his kiss has fallen on her lips, she vaguely said: "Herman...this is the holiest of the Holy See The place……"

So, is it bad to do these things?

Herman bit her lip lightly, "All the sacredness must be under Wendy."

He can experience such a happy thing with her, go to **** with any goddess worship!

For the first time, Fengjing had the illusion that she was a confidant and a disaster. Under his actions, she couldn't help but hum, and then said: "What if... another mermaid appears?"

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