"I set up the formation, and there will never be anyone else to bother us." Herman finally tore off the small piece of fabric next to her body again, and finally entered the "source" that would make her happy.

In front of Hermann, the scenery has always had no right to resist, although every time, it seems that Hermann is very accommodating to her, but only she knows, once Hermann is going to do something, she can only put forward a sentence or two. Opinions, in the end, are also part of surrendering.

This is not to say that she doesn't like it. On the contrary, she likes to see him falling into "crazy" for herself. Whether it is physically or spiritually, she can get a great sense of satisfaction. The scenery is always too lazy to die. , And a person who likes to go with the flow, usually, she is a person who has no opinion, because she is lazy.

Therefore, she needs a man who can control herself and is willing to be controlled by him at the same time. She has to say that with Herman, she feels that she can save a lot of worry.

It's just...it takes a lot of "strength".

When the stars came out, it was Herman who sent the scenery back to the palace. His reason was simple. Eve went to save Richard, because he was not worried about the princess, he could only send the princess back to the palace himself.

This is a very normal reason, but on the carriage returning to the palace, the scenery was wiped out again. The driver was an unsentimental servant summoned by Hermann, so he didn't have to worry about people outside hearing it. What a strange sound.

Herman got out of the wagon with the neatly dressed scenery. Only the scenery knew how soft his feet were.

Hermann has the right to walk in the palace. He can go anywhere. Therefore, he sends people to the door of the palace.

The maid retreated from the scenery, and she hugged Hermann's waist, "In a few days, it will be the court ball. Will you come to attend?"

There was a moving light in her eyes. This dance party was prepared for her sixteenth birthday.

Herman kissed her lips and said softly: "I want to pray for Wendy in front of the goddess instead of the pope."

"Are you coming only for this reason?"

"Of course not." Herman raised his hand and covered her cheek. Seeing her dissatisfied expression, he softened his eyes, "Wendy's first dance, I won't let other men **** it."

What's more, she still has so many suitors, maybe if one doesn't pay attention, there will be many mad bees and butterflies around her.

Scenery then smiled and stood on tiptoe, and kissed the corner of his lips, "Herman, good night."

As he said, she had already withdrawn from his embrace and walked back to her bedroom. Before entering the door, she couldn't help but waved at him. Herman's expression remained unchanged, but it seemed that it was because she was bathed in moonlight. Next, his whole person's breath became much gentler, and he kept watching her enter the room.

Her Royal Highness's sixteenth birthday is not trivial. It indicates that she can get married, and there is no such thing as a fiancé under Her Royal Highness now. Those active nobles can start to act after a long time of thinking.

Under the strong request of the queen, the scenery had to dress herself beautifully, even if her waist was strangled to breathe while wearing this beautiful dress, she had to bear it.

After rejecting the invitation to the dance by a few people, Richard walked over and said gracefully: "Your beautiful princess, may I be lucky enough to invite you to dance?"

"No." The simple and neat two words showed her impatience.

The scenery looked at Ariel who was hiding in the corner again. She still didn't understand why Ariel and Richard met. On the basis of her changing the original plot, Richard should run over and pester herself.

"Wendy." The king also walked over, he kindly suggested, "Maybe you can dance with Prince Richard."

"Father!" The scenery stomped.

When the king saw her coquettish appearance, there was nothing that he could do. In the early years, he and the queen had no children. They prayed for a long time in the Holy See before ushering in the beautiful birth. All parents are the same. For the only child, they Will always be more or less spoiled.

Suddenly, a man in a black robe walked in from the door. He seemed incompatible with this group of aristocratic youths, but the indifferent expression on his face only made people feel that those youths were of low status.

The scenery's eyes were bright, and she curtseyed in her skirt, "Bishop Hermann."

"Princess Wendy." Herman also nodded in response. He used to call her His Royal Highness Princess, but now her name suddenly became Princess Wendy, because he was so natural that no one would notice anything wrong.

Herman seems to always be a white shirt with a black robe. The collision of two simple colors can always reveal the meticulous feeling very well, but the scenery is easy to think that under this ascetic clothes, it is She often encounters a less "abstinent" body.

It's just a simple look, because the tacit understanding of two people can also be automatically transformed into affection that the other can understand. This is a secret that only the two of them can enjoy. Suddenly she can understand some of why Hermann is so. Longing for herself, because she now yearns for this man so much.

After that, the scenery thought sadly, she seemed to be broken by him.

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