The only thing closest to Lilith is the scenery. Under the eyes of everyone, the scenery squatted down and helped Lilith up, "Are you okay?"

"I'm okay..." Lilith stood up quickly, and said embarrassedly: "Sorry, your Royal Highness, I want to toast you... I seem to have messed up."

"It's okay, you should hurry up and bandage the wound..." As soon as Feng Guang finished speaking, she felt a tingling pain on the back of her hand. She saw that it turned out that a few drops of Lilith's blood had dripped on the back of her hand. There was a burning pain on the **** skin.

Lilith was just a minor injury. Seeing the scenery, she looked painful, and asked concerned: "Your Royal Highness, what's wrong with you?"

"Wendy?" Even the king and queen walked over with concern.

"I..." Feng Guang clasped her hands tightly, and she reluctantly said in a normal tone: "I am a little sleepy now, so I will go back and rest first."

When the words fell, the scenery hurried out of the hall and ran back to her bedroom. She returned to her room and hurriedly put her hand in the basin filled with cold water, trying to relieve the burning sensation. However, even if she The blood on the back of her hand is gone, but the pain in her hand has not alleviated at all.

Just when the scenery was painful and anxious, suddenly a hand took out her hand that was in the water, and the scenery raised her head, only to see Herman who did not know when to appear.

Hermann held Feng's hand in one hand and stroked her cheek with the other. He whispered, "Don't be afraid..."

Perhaps Hermann’s appearance made her calm, and the scenery suddenly felt a lot of peace in her heart. The hand he was holding gave out a faint light, and she suddenly felt that the pain on the back of her hand disappeared. The scenery blinked suspiciously, "Herman?"

What exactly is going on?

"Wendy." Herman embraced her. "This is just a small accident, don't take it to heart."

Scenery lowered her head and glanced at her hand again. No trace was left on her white skin. The burning pain she had just felt was just an illusion.

"Herman... this thing is strange..."

"But it's not important." Herman went to bed with the scenery. He didn't want to do other things to her today, but just wanted to comfort her, "It's late, Wendy, let's sleep. ."

Scenery knew that she would never ask about something Herman didn't want to say, but she could also understand one thing, and Herman would never harm her.

Scenery closed her eyes in Hermann's arms, and she shrank her whole body in his arms. Only in this way can she have the greatest sense of security.

After waking up the next day, Herman was no longer by Feng Guang, she sat on the bed in a daze, only to remember that she had forgotten to ask him how to deal with Richard's affairs.

But there is no need to ask, the talkative maid in her bedroom will also take the initiative to say, "His Royal Highness, I heard that Prince Richard fell into the water yesterday."

"Falling in the water?" Scenery looked at herself in the mirror, and naturally asked questions.

"Yes, Prince Richard fell into the water. It is said that a lady named Ariel rescued him." The maid combed the hair of His Royal Highness, and said: "Prince Richard had only one breath left. It's not that the lady named Ariel showed up, that would be really miserable."

The corners of Feng's mouth twitched. Did Herman make Richard fall into the water again?

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