Although Herman’s method is simple and crude, it is not useless. Even if Richard did not wake up, Ariel was the one who saved him. At least Richard was seriously ill, but there was really no time. Come to find the scenery.

Eve took a day off because her grandfather was seriously ill again, and I heard that this time it was true. Eve was not by the scenery, and that scenery could not go out of the palace to find Herman.

Sitting in the courtyard with boring scenery, "splendid flowers", blooming bright flowers lost their petals in her hand, and fell to the ground. The maids saw that the princess seemed to be thinking and serious. Thinking about things, they didn't dare to bother them.

The calm of the courtyard was quickly broken.

A group of soldiers rushed in, led by Richard's close attendant, Arnold.

The scenery recovered, and he immediately frowned, "Arnold, this is my bedroom, what are you doing with so many people?"

"His Royal Highness." Arnold first saluted respectfully, and then said without humility: "I can come here with the permission of the king and queen."

"What did you say?" Obviously, the scenery felt incredulous.

Arnold said again: "Because the king and queen didn't dare to see the answer, so I came here for the hard work."

Feng Guang realized that something was wrong, and she looked at the fat man standing behind Arnold again. She still remembered him, "Father Phil, why are you with him?"

"Your Royal Highness, this time I will come because of a difficult task." Father Phil has always been kind, but today he looks very serious.

Scenery really should believe Arnold's words. Without the permission of her parents, he could not bring soldiers in. The hand beside her tightly held the skirt corners, "Anold, what do you mean?"

"It's very simple." Arnold said calmly: "I brought people from the Holy See here this time, just to verify whether Her Royal Highness is the Dark Saint."

"What?" Scenery obviously felt that he was listening.

In this world, since there are saints who can inherit the power of the goddess of light, there will naturally be saints who can inherit the power of the goddess of darkness. Just like the Holy See believes in the goddess of light, the Wizarding Association also believes in the goddess of darkness, in order to have more Dealing with the other side's bargaining chip more, who can guarantee that only the Holy See will choose the Saint of Light?

After explaining all this, Arnold said: "So, we are here today to confirm whether the princess is a dark saint."

The scenery gritted his teeth, "I have never heard what you said. Why do you think I will be the Dark Saint?"

"At the ball, did the Princess feel uncomfortable when she came into contact with the blood of Saint Lilith?" Before the scenery was about to speak, Arnold said again: "Your Royal Highness may not know. When you helped Lilith up, I am standing behind you."

Therefore, for any clues, Arnold can see clearly.

The scenery cannot be refuted because it is true.

"Lilith is the saint of the goddess of light. Her blood is the natural enemy of the dark things. Your Royal Highness, if you want to prove that we have misunderstood you, please accept Father Phil's inspection on you."

"Not bad." Father Phil also stood up, "His Royal Highness, don't worry, I just want to use a simple light curse."

Under the light curse, all evil will have nowhere to hide.

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