The uneasiness of the scenery has reached a peak. She subconsciously covered the back of her hand that was burning last night, and took a step back quietly. She didn't think she had a problem, but the reality seemed to be different...

"Your Royal Highness, offended." Father Phil took a step forward, standing in front of the scenery, slowly raising his hand.

The scenery had a sense of wanting to escape, but the surrounding area was surrounded by soldiers, and even the maid behind her was whispering. After living on this continent for so many years, she certainly knew that if she was crowned In the name of darkness, what will be the result of waiting for her.

Father Phil chanted the spell lightly, and the light appeared from his hand, and the scenery soon felt a faint golden light covering his body, and at the same time, the burning pain struck again.

Even though she could endure the pain, she wanted to behave as if she wanted to, but the black aura emanating from her whole body could be seen by ordinary people.

Father Phil retracted his hand, his tone was astonished, "Your Royal Highness...You are really the Dark Saint!"

With just one word, the fate of the scenery was announced.

Arnold raised his hand, "Grab the Dark Girl!"

Immediately, the two soldiers pressed the shoulders of the scenery. The strength of the scenery was not their opponent at all. She knew very well in her heart that she could not mention Hermann's name. Once linked to the darkness, it would usher in the trial of the Holy See. Her parents... if her parents were really willing to save her, they would not condone Arnold to bring someone over.

From the very beginning, she understood that the so-called "belief" has so much power in these people's hearts. On the mainland, it is not uncommon for parents to report things that their sons called "infidels" because they do not believe in the Holy See. happened before.

She looked at Arnold, "Did Richard ask you to catch me?"

As a knight in the land of spring, Arnold suddenly asked for her order to arrest her. She naturally thought of Richard.

"It's not your Royal Highness." Arnold denied the speculation of the scenery. Richard is still lying in bed and being taken care of by Ariel. How can he have time to take care of this? Arnold asked again: "His Royal Highness, do you have anything else to say?"

For example... find someone.

The scenery fell silent.

Arnold waited for a long time and didn't see her talking. Knowing that she didn't intend to speak, he said coldly, "Go to prison."

No one dared to rush out to stop the scenery and be taken away.

The news that the noble princess turned out to be the daughter of darkness has spread like wildfire. Now the whole country is discussing this matter. Some people say that the king has done a good job in killing his relatives, and some people say that when will he wait for the execution of this darkness. Female.

The scenery is pretty good. She will become the existence of everyone shouting and beating. For example, she is now locked up in a big jail. A jailer said, "A princess with black hair and brown eyes... It is a very strange thing to say that you are the daughter of darkness, but you have enjoyed a high life for more than ten years. Every one of us has to salute you, huh, wait for the day of death! "

The jailer put down the broth and watery food and left angrily.

The scenery is no stranger to such people. In the two days she was imprisoned, she has seen many people ridicule herself, but there is no color in the bowl of "food", she really can't eat.

The scenery shrank in the corner and played with the withered grass on the ground, until another figure was cast in front of her eyes. She thought it was someone who came to ridicule her again, but after waiting for a long time, she did not hear any sound. She looked up, yes. Nuo stood outside the prison door.

She didn't understand what he was going to do. Of course, she didn't have this curiosity, so she closed her eyes back.

"His Royal Highness." Arnold still said.

After listening to the scenery, she still didn't look at him. She looked boring, so she said boringly, "You should stop calling me a princess. I am not a princess anymore."

At the moment when she was put in jail, her title of princess no longer existed. I have to say that although the scenery is a spoiled eldest lady, she has adapted to things like realizing reality faster than many people. .

Since she didn't want others to call her princess, Arnold didn't hesitate to call out, "Wendy."

Feng Jing's hands shook. Except for her parents and Herman, she had never heard anyone call herself that. She looked up again and said angrily: "You are not allowed to call me that."

"What should you call you?" Arnold seemed to smile, and he couldn't see clearly in the dim environment. "Do you call you beautiful lady like Richard's strawbag?"

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