Quick Transmigration: The Second Female Lead is Poisonous

Chapter 1805: Raiders the sword fairy who can't hear the sound

Because the scenery has unconsciously added to herself the ability to wash and cook. Although she does not have this ability... but she was quickly accepted by the villagers in Anyun Village. Not only that, but at Wenxiu’s suggestion, Nan Ke also assigned a good house to the scenery.

...This good house is right next to the house where Nan Ke lives.

Yes, only the village head can live in a good house. Of course, other good houses must be surrounded by his house.

On the first day of staying in the scenery, she couldn't get a good rest, she had to cook, and when it came to this, she simply said something weird! In the whole village, no one can cook!

There is no shortage of women in the village, but no one can cook. The scenery is standing in the kitchen, looking at the fruits and vegetables. She is speechless for a while before looking down at the children who have been with her.

This group of children has never stopped since they knew she could cook, but they just walked around with her, they just treated her as a fairy sister!

No... She was originally a fairy.

But it was only one day since she came to the mortal world, she was almost forgetting her identity!

The scenery looked at these children with a headache. She has always liked children, and she herself thinks that she often overflows with maternal love, but the current situation is very bad for her, because these children look at her eagerly. Waiting for her to cook!

"Wenwen..." The scenery squatted down and tried to smile softly and friendly. "If you can't cook, how did you come here before?"

Wenwen is Wenxiu's daughter, with two braids in braids. She is very lively and not afraid of living at all. In this group of children, she is always the first to look at her.

“It used to be the village chief’s grandfather cooking.” Wenwen said, “but the village chief’s grandpa is sick and has not yet woken up. That’s why we have a new village head, but the new village head doesn’t know how to cook.”

"Your new village chief can't cook... Then after your old village chief becomes seriously ill, how do you solve the problem of eating during this time?"

"We are all the fruits we eat." Wenwen frowned, "It's okay to eat fruits for one day or two days, but if I eat them every day, I feel tired..."

The scenery is speechless.

"But it's all right now! Sister, you are here!" Wenwen happily grabbed the hand of the scenery, "Sister, you can cook, I don't have to eat fruit every day!"

The scenery reluctantly put on a smiling face, tears in her heart, child, she really can't cook!

"Sister, let's cook soon! We have been hungry for a long time!" Wenwen grabbed the scenery and shook his hand.

"Okay... I'll cook..." Jing Qiang smiled, "Wenwen, take the other kids out to play first."

"We can watch my sister cook!"

"No way... cooking will have a great smell of oily smoke. Children who smell too much are not good for their health, so Wenwen should take other children out to play first. When I have cooked the food, I will call you."

"That's it... that's okay." After all, Wenwen is still young, so he believes the nonsense of the scenery, "Then sister is done, we must call us!"

"Okay, you guys go out soon." Scenery waved.

Wenwen took a group of small attendants out with a big sister's momentum.

When the kitchen door closed, the scenery immediately put away her smiling face. She stood up and stepped on the ground desperately, "Land! Come out of the land!!!"

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