Quick Transmigration: The Second Female Lead is Poisonous

Chapter 1806: Raiders the sword fairy who can't hear the sound

The scenery was only two or three times, and a puff of smoke rose from the ground, and an old man with a cane appeared immediately. He bowed and saluted, "Xiao Xian is here, what do you want from the princess?"

"Land!" The scenery was fortunate that the name of this princess is still big, and there are still people who know herself in the world. She asked expectantly: "Can you cook!?"

"This..." The land didn't expect that the princess called himself out to ask him if he could cook. He said embarrassedly: "Princess, we are immortals, and we don't need three meals a day like ordinary people. Even if you eat a meal on weekdays, it’s boring to pass the time, so...I really don’t know how to cook this meal."

"You land can't even cook food!" Scenery shot the table, very dissatisfied with this answer.

"The princess... we are gods, and we don't have to eat. Why do you ask Xiaoxian about this?"

"I have lost all mana now and I am trapped in this village. If I can't cook, then I will have a life worry. Do you know how serious this problem is!?" The scenery is certain, she is not joking , This Anyun Village revealed a strange smell from top to bottom, she was very insecure.

The land expression was shocked, "What? A mere mortal, dare to be rude to the princess!"

"I don't have mana now, don't I just look like a mortal?" The scenery irritably scratched his hair, and said: "Land, don't you know how to spell? Take me out of here!"

"This one……"

Seeing the earth's face showing embarrassment, she couldn't help feeling bad again, "What's wrong with you?"

"It's true, princess, if you didn't call me this time, I wouldn't be here."

"What do you mean?"

"This land is a bit weird." The land said with a deep expression: "I'm just a small land fairy, my mana is low, but when I appear here, my mana can only be used for 30%. If it weren't for the princess, you are here. This summoning Xiaoxian, Xiaoxian didn't even know that there was such a village in the area under my jurisdiction."

With only 30% of the mana left, it is naturally impossible to bring the scenery out of the village together.

After listening to the scenery, I felt more uneasy, "It turns out that my feeling is not wrong, and I also think this village is weird, but now I have no mana, and I can't see any clues... I won't be... Is it a ghost village!?"

Thinking of this, she covered her mouth in fear.

The land is also aware of the seriousness of the matter. If something happens to the eldest princess of the heavens in the area under his jurisdiction, he will not be able to put aside the responsibility. "Princess, I can help solve the cooking matters first, and my old lady will do it. Fan, I'll just call her."

"The land lady can cook!" Scenery smiled, "That's great!"

"As for how to let the princess leave from here..." Land said after thinking for a while: "I can go outside and look for them first. If I meet the gods and soldiers from the heavens, I will report the whereabouts of the princess to them. , And this village is indeed extremely weird. I can also see if I can bring some powerful cultivators to inquire about the situation..."

As expected of the well-informed Land Master, Feng Guang said: "Dear Land, you still have a way. Whether I can leave safely from here, it all depends on you."

"Princess, don't worry." Duke Di said, "I'll call Mrs. Di Di to cook."

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