Quick Transmigration: The Second Female Lead is Poisonous

Chapter 1807: Raiders the sword fairy who can't hear the sound

Both the Landlord and the Landlord are earth immortals, and they are both inconspicuous little immortals, but who knows who everything belongs to is best for them. The landlord is no better than the Landlord who can’t cook. Before becoming immortal, She is a good wife and mother, and she is particularly familiar with cooking. Even after hundreds of years, she will not forget this skill.

The scenery looked at the table full of dishes. These vegetables were all turned into delicious delicacies under the hands of Mrs. Land. She swallowed and thanked Mrs. Land again and again, "Mrs. Land, thank you so much."

"The princess is welcome. It is Xiaoxian's blessing to be able to do things for the princess." The land lady is a kind-faced grandmother, who looks very kind. "Princess, next time you are cooking, just call Xiaoxian directly. Up."

Scenery nodded, and the land lady said "retire" again and left with the land master.

The secret path of scenery is really thanks to the help of noble people, otherwise she really doesn’t know what to do. She opened the door of the kitchen and said to Wenwen, who was playing with stones under the tree with other children, “The meal is ready, you guys are ready. Call someone to eat."

"Okay!" Wenwen and the other children happily responded and ran home to call their parents.

In a short while, the scenery saw a group of people rushing towards the kitchen. She hurriedly walked to the yard and saw the group of gorging people. It made people think they were hungry for several days. .

"The scenery girl looks like a eldest daughter, but she didn't expect to be able to cook a good dish." Nan Ke appeared next to her sometime, still holding the dishes.

The scenery was taken aback. She turned her head and saw Nan Ke was looking down at her. His eyebrows were slightly bent and his smiling eyes remained unchanged, but it made people feel a little more pressure inexplicably. The scenery was panicked, she coughed. Coughing throat, forced to calm down, "You can't look good, don't you know?"

"You can't look good, and the water can't be measured." Nan Ke finally retracted his gaze and stopped looking at her. He looked at the adults and children in the kitchen without knowing what he was thinking.

Scenery is most afraid of the time when this person is not speaking. When he speaks, he feels unpredictable. What's more, when he is quiet, it only makes people worry about whether he is going to say some **** words again. "The village chief...you..."

"Go out this time..." Nan Ke interrupted him before Feng Jing said, "I originally bought meat for Anyun Village."

"Oh..." That's why she was brought back by him, because she was the "meat".

"If you have meat...it will allow you to cook some meat dishes." Nan Ke held a bowl in one hand and chopsticks in the other, and put the chopsticks and carrot pieces into his mouth.

Seeing that he was eating, there was no emotional change in the scenery, so he couldn't see how he thought it tasted. Because there were only vegetables such as greens, carrots, and bitter gourd in the kitchen, the land lady could only fry these vegetables. Change it a little bit more, what about fried cabbage, boiled cabbage, if she can't catch Nanke, after a long time, she said, "Maybe the village chief can buy some real meat back next time...like pork."

Fearing that Nanke would arrest another person without trying, she added the phrase "pork".

"Pork... what is that?"

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