"Okay..." Su Fa glanced at the scenery of leisurely drinking tea, and secretly said that he was not good at all.

He has a habit of cleanliness, which is not a small habit of cleanliness. This is known from his preference for white objects. If he is an ordinary person, Sufa may have taken this dead person out of his soul, but this is a smile, the scenery is the favorite Smile.

Feng Xiaoxiao walked a little further away from Sufa. She touched the top of her head and said, "Go take a shower, change into clean clothes and come out to play."

"Yeah!" The smile gave a big grin and ran away.

Therefore, under the sweet-scented osmanthus tree at this time, there were only two people left: Scenery and Suva.

Jing Jing sat back on the stone bench, poured a cup of tea slowly, Suva sat opposite her, it seemed that he didn't plan to leave so soon.

The atmosphere between the two was quiet for a while.

For a moment, after Jingjing finished drinking tea, she finally looked at Suva and asked, "Don't you go to the college to teach today?"

"There is no class for me today." Suva's lips curled slightly, "It's also great to have time to accompany the scenery."

"I don't need your company."

"I need." Suva said, his eyes were like a pool of water, which was easily silly.

Scenery just watched for a second, then she missed her sight, and she casually mentioned, "I heard that where Taibaijinxing has gone recently, wherever it goes, it is unlucky, is it true?"

"It seems to be true." Suva also said very casually.

Recently, Taibai Jinxing has really fallen into blood mold. He will be smashed by flower pots and chased by snarling dogs when he walks on the road. After finally entering the academy, the news that his study is on fire comes out. He deeply feels that his luck is not good. I dare to pinch the fingers and then dare to go out, although I can hide the flowerpot, but the surrounding houses have collapsed!

Taibai Jinxing is now going to the academy, it can be said that he is taking his life to work every day. Just a few days ago, when he went to court, the emperor specially praised his tenacious spirit.

The scenery glanced at Suva's white clothes, the mud stained by Xiaoxiao, she only felt in a good mood, so she smiled and asked: "Suva, more than a hundred years have passed, you haven't found anything compared to me. Is anyone more interested in you?"

"No." Suva looked down, he knew she was being sarcastic, but he answered whatever she said.

Feng Guang laughed, "I haven't settled the account with you. You have imprisoned me for so many years. How should I calculate this account?"

"I didn't imprison you."

She said twice, "Could it be that I still want to stay?"

"You are mine, there is nothing wrong with staying by my side."

He took it for granted that she was silent for a rare second.

Feng Guang didn't even want to say anything, she chose to be silent.

Su Fa looked at the pastries placed on the table, "Isn't scenery the favorite sweet-scented osmanthus cake?"

"It's just that I don't want to eat it now."

Suva said, "I will do whatever the scenery wants to eat."

The scenery was stunned for a while, but when she thought that this man seemed to be omnipotent, it was nothing to be surprised. She paused for a moment, and suddenly asked: "What are your plans?"

"What's your plan?" Su Fa smiled, "The moment the scenery returns to me, I don't need any plans anymore."

The scenery was speechless again, and after a while, she said straightly: "You must not let me amnesia again."

"as long as……"

"Don't worry, I know very well that I am not your opponent, and I can't beat you. I just need three chapters."

Su Fa smiled and said, "Which three chapters?"

"First, you can't make me amnesia again, second, you can't hurt Xiaoxiao, third..." She thought for a while, and then said: "Wait someday I am tired of you, I will kill you myself ."

"Good." Su Fa chuckled lightly, without hesitation.

Scenery hummed secretly in her heart, the lunatic is indeed a lunatic, she felt him watching her, she suddenly felt uncomfortable.

A smile overflowed from the corner of Suva's lips, and he looked at her so quietly, as if he could see the world.

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