Time has passed for a long time, how long I can't remember. In short, Xiaoxiao has grown up, and Taibai Jinxing has actually carried the name Broom Star on his back.

Feng Guang began to panic and uneasy. Suva clearly felt her anxiety, but if Feng Feng didn't say it, he seemed to be unaware of it. He still lived his life with Feng Guang as he should.

On this day, Suva was walking on the way home from school, and the sound of the wind seemed to reveal a different message. His eyes drenched, and the surrounding scenery suddenly became dark. In the blink of an eye, he appeared. Within a white space.

"Suva." The man not far away approached step by step, his slender figure well set off in a white coat, showing an elegant sense of abstinence, and his perfect face, face His smile is full of charming amorous feelings, but the point is that his and Suva's faces are exactly the same.

Faced with this unthinkable situation, Sufa was extremely calm, and he smiled, "Are you the evil spirit in the body of the scenery?"

Yes, Suva defined him as an evil spirit. What kind of identity is Suva? When he came into contact with the scenery, he felt that there was an unusual force in the body of the scenery. Suva didn't know what this force was, but he never liked the existence of things beyond his control, especially in the body of the scenery. Suva didn't know how to call this power, so he called him evil spirit.

But at least, it is very simple for him to disappear in the body of the scenery. Suva did it when he changed his body for the scenery for the first time. Maybe he could not let the "evil spirit" completely disappear in her mind, but He can use the Qi Qi that he instilled in the body of the scenery to suppress.

Look, isn't the "evil spirit" just so quiet for a long time?

When the man heard the name "evil spirit", he raised his eyebrows and smiled interestingly, "Then what should I call you? Mr. Virus?"

"Virus?" Suva was at a loss, it seemed that he didn't understand this word.

The man chuckled, "So you don't realize this yet."

As his voice fell, Suva's eyes widened. He realized something in a daze. Finally, he slowly raised his hand to hold his forehead, and the corner of his lips showed a smile like the man in front of him. He slowly said: " Mr. Lu, how are you."

"It seems that you remembered it." He smiled slowly: "Mr. Virus."

"So you call me a virus?" Suva shook his head and laughed. "Don't forget, I also split from your consciousness. Strictly speaking, we seem to be the same person."

He laughed, "Will you admit that you are the same person as me?"

"Of course not." Suva quickly denied it. Just like this Mr. Lu, neither of them would admit that they were the same person as the other party. Suva would say so, but that's just what he said.

"You have taken up enough time, and now it's time for the scenery to come back to me."

"Occupy?" Su Fayang said, "I think you made a mistake. The scenery belongs to me. You used the word occupation incorrectly."

"You have forgotten your identity."

"I know who you are, and I also know who you are, but you are just a loser, and I am not. No matter how many times I imprison the scenery, she will come back to me. I have countless times. Chance, and you... just a man hiding in the corner of the hospital regretting alone."

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