Ming knows: "The Yan Luo family's last generation owner is Yan Luo. She is Yan Bai's grandmother."

"Yan Luo is a female?"

"Indeed, in the history of the blood family, there are not many female patrons." Ming knows how to touch her chin and exclaimed, "How can I say that Yan Luo is a legendary woman."

"Oh, is it?" She looked at him indifferently with a pair of eyes.

He paused and quickly showed his loyalty, "I swear to you, I don't have any thoughts about her. Yan Luo died six hundred years ago. I have no interest in that kind of old woman."

"Yes, you are only interested in Miss Beach." The scenery said coolly, and pinched his waist again.

Although it was painful, he dared not show it.

Since Fengjing officially settled here, she first spent a day cleaning the messy house, and then spent another night looking for all the beauty magazines he had hidden around, and just threw it in. The trash can was removed and burned.

There are a lot of limited collections in there. When I mention this, my heart still aches.

However, since he decided to keep the scenery by his side, he was prepared to lose these treasures. The so-called gains and losses, not to mention the things he gained are more precious than the things he lost.

Putting her in her arms and smoothing her hair, she said with an old-fashioned look: "There is scenery, but I have nothing to do now. Miss the beach, that's a thing of the past."

"Hmph, just guzzle your tongue." She sat on his waist, bent over and pinched his chin with her hand, "Hurry up, continue to tell me about Yan Luo."

Such a powerful action... She is so cute to do it.

Ming knows his smile and his eyes are slightly bent, and he says everything obediently.

It turns out that Yanluo was also a pure-blooded vampire back then. Since she was a student, she has performed very well, not only for her good-looking appearance, but also for her ability that is difficult for ordinary people. Her ability can be said to be very scary, that is, to manipulate blood. Manipulate the blood of other people.

Think about it, if you are her enemy, before getting close to her, she can gently hook her fingers and let all the blood in your body escape. Isn't this ability terrifying?

Therefore, at that time, not only did she seize the position of Yan Family Patriarch for herself, but also made the blood people very jealous. It can be said that more than 600 years ago, because of Yan Luo's existence, the Yan family's power reached its peak. The brilliance.

There is no doubt that Yan Luo is a genius in the blood clan, but geniuses often do things that many people cannot understand.

As the number of pure-blood vampires disappeared slowly, this matter attracted the attention of the Senate. Because pure-blood matters were important, the Senate used all human and material resources to investigate this matter. Finally, they were Countless corpses were found in the deep swamp, and the evidence of the killing pointed to Yan Luo.

Yan Luo is not an ordinary pure-blooded nobleman. She has very powerful abilities. As a last resort, the Senate at the time asked the Hunter Association for help. The Hunter Association sent a group of the most powerful hunters at the time to join the Senate, and paid a very heavy amount. The casualties brought Yan Luo to justice.

The scenery was fascinated by the story. She asked: "Later, the Senate executed Yan Luo?"

"On the day Yan Luo was executed, her heart suddenly disappeared." Ming Zhi said, touching her hair: "The Senate can only destroy her body."

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