For vampires, the only way to truly kill them is to pierce their hearts. As long as the heart does not die, no matter how badly they are injured, they can slowly recover.

Scenery clutched a strand of long black hair, "Is Yan Luo still alive?"

"Maybe still alive, maybe dead, no one knows." He said, "No one has ever tried. If the body is destroyed and the heart is left, can the vampire who loses the body live."

After listening to the scenery, she struggled for a while for a long time, but soon, she thought of a more important thing, lying weakly on his chest, she looked sick.

Asked clearly and caringly: "What's the matter?"

"Speaking of the heart... I suddenly remembered a rule." She looked uncomfortable, as if she had been hungry for a few meals. "Vampires can't be with hunters, otherwise, vampires will be dug out by the Senate and executed. The hunter will be taken back to life imprisonment by the association, knowing...what to do...I don't want to die, and I don't want you to be locked up..."

"Don't worry." He took one of her hands, dropped a kiss on the back of that hand, and said softly: "I won't let you have anything to do."

The scenery is not relaxed, "The Senate is a group of old and stubborn people, and the Hunter Association has so many people... How can the two of us win them?"

"Little girl don't have to think so much, no matter what happens, I will stand in front of you."

"You said it lightly. When I watch you get hurt, I will be uncomfortable to death." She thought for a while, and suddenly she got energetic, and sat up holding his palm and said: "Why else, if you Was arrested, during the trial, you said that I forced you to perform the ritual. Anyway, I am a kin, and I also have the kind of attraction/attraction that the kin should have for humans. Maybe the Hunters Association will believe you, and then You let it go."

Ming knows how to put a hand on her cheek, and asks softly, "What about you? What should I do if you were caught by someone from the Senate?"

As a half-human, he has no enticing power for the blood race. Then, what reason should she use to justify her at that time?

"I don't know..." Scenery frowned in distress, but soon she laughed again, "It doesn't matter, it's okay to make sure you live, I can slowly figure out a solution, anyway, our blood is not that easy to die. ."

His eyelashes trembled slightly, and there was a soft dark light in his eyes. He turned over and pressed her under him. He first kissed her lips, and then gently rubbed against her lips. I'm hungry."

"You...didn't you just bite?" She blushed, but she unbuttoned her collar, revealing her beautiful white neck, and whispered: "You... bite lightly."

He laughed, lowered his head, and licked her neck, but did not bite it on, instead grabbed her right hand and stuck fangs into her small arm.

The familiar pleasure/sensation swept over again. While enjoying the feeling he brought to himself, the scenery wondered in a daze, why did this guy bite in a different place today?

But soon, he let go of her hand again. Just as she thought that this time would end a bit soon, he bit her shoulder again, "Today...I want to taste the scenery all at once."

She flushed and understood what he meant.

This person is going to bite her all over!

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