On Monday evening, the course of Part A is about to begin.

In the brightly lit room, the girl in the black school uniform looked at herself in the mirror with a headache. Her neck was bite marks, and her exposed calves also had a few shallow bite marks. Finally, she lifted her skirt slightly, white. The red bite marks on the inner thighs are very obvious.

She put down her skirt, turned around and shouted at the man lying on the bed pretending to sleep: "Why haven't these marks faded away yet!?"

Last night, when she found that the bite marks on her body did not disappear as quickly as before, she asked. Mingyi told her that it was because the bite was a bit too much this time. When he got up in her arms, she still had these traces on her body. Now it has been a day and a night, and it will not disappear as soon as he said.

Clearly closing his eyes, it seems that he really fell asleep.

She jumped into bed unwillingly, and shook his body desperately, "Obviously...get me up! I will ignore you if you pretend to be asleep!"

"What's the matter?" His eyes finally opened, and it looked like he just woke up.

Scenery bit his neck, "How do you let me go to class like this?"

"Is there something wrong?" He gently stroked her head, which was buried on his shoulders, and he didn't seem to feel pain when bitten by her.

The scenery gave up and said loosely, "You said, I have all these... these... the bite marks you made, how can I meet people?"

"Then don't go to class." He took her hand and let her nest in his arms. He narrowed his eyes and said lazily: "When the night is originally going to bed, please sleep with me."

"No, I've missed class for a week." Of course, she didn't want to go to class because she loves to study. There is a reason to go. "I didn't go to the classroom last week. Situ You thought I was The werewolf was captured and has not returned. If I don’t go, what should he do if he calls my parents again?"

She still remembers that when her parents came to school last time, she fell asleep because of her mom.

"Then I will call and let your parents stop using it."

"No! My dad is okay, someone as smart as my mother, if she guesses that we have a relationship, she will be in trouble." She shook his hand pitifully, "They will definitely You asked me to leave school. Do you want me to leave?"

This is indeed a problem. After all, if the memory is modified too many times, it is easy to cause powerful sequelae, such as turning a person into a mentally retarded...

Ming knows how to sigh, "You kiss me."

She obediently leaned over and kissed his lips, and licked his lips with the tip of her tongue very obediently, learning his usual way, "I know, are you satisfied?"

"Unsatisfied." He said three words lazily, but he sat up from the bed and looked at the behaving girl in front of him. He still couldn't bear to refuse. He bowed his head and stretched out his fangs to bite her neck. No She retreated quickly like that time last night, but put her arms around her, panting and leaning against his arms, clutching his collar helplessly, feeling that after passing the peak, he took it back. Fang licked her skin again, and after a few minutes he let go of her.

There was an alluring blush on Wang Jing's face. She saw that the bite marks on her legs disappeared. She didn't understand what he was doing, but finally there was no bite marks. She felt satisfied.

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