Her reaction was really like a cat eating, his eyes were about to melt. He patted her back with his other hand, "Drink slowly, don't worry."

She was choked after drinking too much, let go of his hand and coughed quietly.

Ming knows how to hug her and sigh, "I told you not to worry...More?"

After stopping the cough, she shook her head.

Knowing that the wound on his arm disappeared quickly, he raised his hand and wiped the red liquid on the corners of her lips with the pad of his index finger, and said amusedly: "Would you like to continue sleeping?"

"No more." She grabbed his hand, familiarly holding his **** index finger.

Since being fed by him, she has developed a good character, that is not to waste food.

Ming Jian asked softly: "Do you want to get up or lie down for a while?"

Licking the blood from his fingers, she squinted and said, "Lie down for a while."

"Okay, then lie down for a while."

He opened his arms, and she consciously leaned over, put her head on his arm, held his waist with her hands, and said softly: "You are going to work."

"Not urgent."

"Then I missed half of the class yesterday."

"With me, you can get a graduation certificate even if you miss more classes." He literally interpreted the four words of power for personal gain as a model.

She said "Oh", and then asked: "Then you said that I never go back to the student dormitory every time. Would they find it strange?"

"At least no one has asked yet."

"Then someone asked?" She grabbed a strand of his long hair, as if she had caught some funny toy.

He replied casually, "Just say Miss Xia disliked the small place in the student dormitory and moved to the teacher's dormitory."

Fengjing thought about it, and thought it was a good reason, she asked in a cheerful voice: "This week is the last week of the month, so can I go out to play?"

She still remembered that for students in Department A, Osiris School only has one vacation a month, and they only have one chance to go out of the school and go home, which is the weekend of the last week of each month.

Familiarly asked: "Where do you want to go?"

"You take me to the town, okay?" She tugged at his hair again. "I received a call from my parents last time. They are traveling to Egypt this week, so you don't have to worry about meeting in the town. When we get to them, it's as if we are going on a date, okay?

He likes the words dating very much, so he has no reason to refuse, "Okay, I will take you to the town to play."

"Obviously, you are so kind!" She kissed him with joy, and asked cheerfully: "Then should I wear that white chiffon skirt or the green floral skirt that day... Although I am I really want to wear that little red dress, but I don’t like sunshine. It would be nice if it was cloudy, without the sun... I feel that everything will go smoothly..."

She just lay in his arms and started thinking about it, and she was no different from an ordinary girl in love.

Obviously listening to her mouth babbling constantly, I suddenly felt that the sound of birds outside the window was not good. Only the sound from her small mouth was the most pleasing to the ear.

Soon, the town will be messed up.

Before the chaos, there was nothing wrong with taking her to play, not to mention that she said it was a date between the two of them.

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