I have to say that as long as a man gets involved in dating a beloved woman, no matter how old they are, they will become like a hairy boy and feel faintly excited while waiting.

On this Friday, both the students in Department A and Department B are almost gone. Scenery did not choose to go back to Xia’s house, but stayed with Ming Yan in his room until Saturday, and her parents went Traveling to Egypt seems to be a temporary and sudden decision. She was surprised when she received the call, but it’s nothing wrong. Her parents often couldn’t understand who they were. They could travel together, maybe they could. Improve the relationship, and benefit her by the way, and have the opportunity to go to town with Ming Jian.

It was a cloudy day on Saturday. She was finally able to wear her favorite red sleeveless dress. She didn’t have to wear a parasol and a sun hat. Instead, He Ming had gone easily. Get out.

Clearly dressed is much simpler. It will always be a matching shirt, doctor's uniform and scarf. Scenery once opened his closet. When she saw the closet filled with the same clothes, she was not surprised, but rather very surprised. She closed the cabinet calmly.

There are actually many interesting things in the town. More roadside vendors are selling silver crosses, silver bullet amulets and other things that are used to target vampires in the legend. Not many people buy these things, but instead buy these. There are more vampires.

In fact, the so-called silverware and holy water are somewhat useful for the walking dead at and below the C level, but they are useless for those high-level vampires.

This is the first time that Scenery really visits this town seriously. She is holding a well-known hand, and she has to stare for a long time when she sees gadgets along the way. For example, the sugar pinch is full of children. Only she took his two adults and watched there for a long time.

Although habitual food is the blood in the body, she occasionally misses the taste that she has tasted before.

Knowing that she was greedy, she wanted to buy one for her. She covered her cheek and shook her head, "I swear that I will not eat candy until I have fangs."

It is rare for her to have such perseverance, but when he heard it, he only found it funny and funny, "If you can't grow out for a lifetime, will you stop eating sugar in your lifetime?"

"It's a matter of principle to say that you don't eat or not." She herself felt...as if the chance of fangs growing out is slim.

Knowingly raised his eyebrows, "When did you start to be so principled?"

"That's..." She blushed, and whispered on her tiptoes in his ear: "I also want...I want you to experience the...feeling of being sucked by your partner..."

She just said the last two words, blushing.

Ming Jian didn't expect this to be the reason. He held her hand tightly, bent over slightly, and whispered in her ear: "In fact, when the scenery is using hands, I also feel it."

"That...that's different..."

"Why is it different?"

She flushed, and pretended to be serious and said: "One is a physical attack, the other is a magical attack. On the battlefield, of course, only those who specialize in material and law can gain an advantage!"

This is probably the most interesting example that Ming knows in his lifetime.

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