"Rong Qi, I want to pursue your sister. I hope you can help me." The senior's voice was very serious, and there was a bit of request in his tone.

"My sister?" Although Rong Qi asked a question, he had already guessed who the sister he was talking about was.

"Yes, it's Wan Ge." At that moment, he had already felt Rong Qi's unhappiness, but he still said this.

Rong Qi's face suddenly darkened, but soon smiled again: "Who told you that Wan Ge is my sister? She is my girlfriend, and we are lovers."

"Don't lie, I have investigated it and verified it at the school you went to before." The senior's voice was a little more indifferent.

Rong Qi looked up at him calmly, and then said: "Then your investigation is not very good. I think you have misunderstood something. Wan Ge and I have never been siblings.

Although my parents and his parents recognized us as godchildren when we were young, and Wan Ge was nominally my goddaughter, in fact, they were just afraid that we would not like each other, so they did not arrange a baby marriage. For me, she has always been my future wife."

As Rong Qi finished speaking, he unbuttoned the first button of his shirt. There were traces on his fair and delicate collarbone, and these traces were very obvious: "You don't know that we were together last night. We were doing what we should do. In this world, we never take precautions. Maybe she already has my child.

She is not my sister, but my lover. We will get married when we graduate. I think you can withdraw, right? Senior."

What do you mean by withdrawing? In fact, the senior has never intervened in them, but Rong Qi still said so.

Although thinking of the girl's emotions when she chatted with Wan Ge yesterday, she was always indifferent until she got to know her boyfriend.

The senior asked what kind of person her boyfriend was.

Wan Ge smiled and replied: "He is very good-looking, very well-behaved, a little timid, but when things really happen, he will try every means to protect me."

After growing up, he is no longer the child who can only hide behind her. He will also stand in front of her to protect her and do everything he can to be good to her.

Rong Qi has left, and only the distraught senior is left in this place. He has completely lost... He originally wanted to verify whether they are really siblings, but it completely confirmed their relationship.

Rong Qi was actually still very nervous when he left. He actually didn't have so much confidence to say such words, but he needed such firmness in the face of his rival, so that he could scare his rival away.

After that incident, Rong Qi never saw the senior again.

When Wan Ge saw the senior again, it was several years later. At that time, she was already married and her children were several years old.

Because of a special art exhibition, Wan Ge accompanied her mother to participate. She met the senior again at the art exhibition.

After the breakup, the senior devoted himself to painting. After the failure of love, the gifted man had more ideas in painting, and his reputation became more and more powerful, becoming a real painter.

When he saw Wan Ge at the exhibition, he was particularly surprised, and he was even more surprised to see her so close to the lady next to her, because he recognized who the lady was.

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