"Wan Ge, long time no see. What is your relationship with the senior?" They are so close, are they students or?

Mrs. Xi answered directly with a smile on her face: "I am his mother, who are you?"

The senior immediately answered that he was a senior of Wan Ge University and did not expect to see them here.

The senior also knew that Wan Ge's mother was a famous painter, but Wan Ge, who had such a good talent for painting, did not stir up much waves in the painting world. He never knew why.

Before they chatted for a few words, a three-year-old delicate baby hugged Wan Ge's feet directly: "Mom."

Wan Ge bent down and picked up her son. When the son reached there...

When Wan Ge turned around, she saw Rong Qi walking towards her. Rong Qi was going to negotiate a contract nearby today, and they were going to attend the art exhibition. Originally, Wan Ge thought about bringing her son to the exhibition, but Rong Qi said it was okay, so she took her three-year-old son to negotiate the contract.

Rong Qi is now wearing a formal suit. At the age of 22, he is less immature than 18 years old and more mature. He exudes a mature atmosphere in a formal suit.

Wange is really happy to see him dressed like this sometimes. There is always an indescribable charm.

The senior also recognized him at a glance. Mrs. Xi was even happier when she saw her son-in-law. She introduced him enthusiastically to the senior: "This is my son-in-law Rong Qi. He is also in the same school as you. You may have met him."

"Yes, we have met." Listening to Mrs. Xi's introduction, I couldn't help but feel a little bitter in my heart.

Mrs. Xi looked at him inconspicuously, and then didn't say much. Don't think she doesn't know! When the man came over just now, I felt that his eyes on her daughter were unusual. Humph! She should help her son-in-law to protect him when he is not here, but she didn't expect Xiao Qi to come so soon.

"Mom." Rong Qi called Mrs. Xi obediently, walked to Wan Ge's side, and took Xiao Chen from his arms. And Wan Ge naturally took his hand.

"Long time no see, senior." Rong Qi's voice was cold. Facing this person who was no longer worthy of being a love rival, Rong Qi was no longer worried.

"Yeah, long time no see."

The senior's mood had not calmed down until they left.

Turning back to the exhibition, he suddenly saw a beautiful girl wearing a hat stopping in front of his painting, and spoke softly about his painting.

The girl looked like a college student who had just entered college, but she already had such an opinion.

At night, Wan Ge looked at Rong Qi who was just like that year, and suddenly understood something: "You... are jealous?"

Isn't there something delicious? Didn't she do nothing? And didn't a certain man declare his sovereignty?

So he was jealous because he talked to the senior back then.

Wan Ge's tone was a little more helpless, and he said: "There is no need to be jealous. Don't you know that I only love you?"

Such a straightforward confession, Rong Qi still couldn't help blushing.

"I'm sorry..." Rong Qi apologized again. He thought that if Xiao Chen hadn't appeared, he might have taken his wife away to do what he always wanted to do.


① I am afraid of many things in this world, but the thing I fear most is losing you.

② You have always been protecting me and are my eternal angel.

③ You are so low-key, do you not want to find work for yourself, do you want to give me more time?

—— Rong Qi

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