Yan Huai also hugged him gently, his strong heartbeat seemed to jump out of his chest.

He thought he would be so excited that he couldn't sleep at all, but in the end he fell asleep peacefully, and slept very well.

In the afternoon, before Yan Huai entered the kitchen, he took out his mobile phone and saw the message his father sent him. It was sent to him in the morning, but Yan Huai just saw it now.

The other party asked: [Son, are you back? Where are you now? When will you come back to work? ]

Yan Huai's slender fingers tapped on the screen a few times, and the last message he sent was: [I haven't been to work recently. ]

Mr. Yan, who was about to get off work, finally saw the message from his son. He excitedly clicked it, but found that he replied that he hadn't been to work recently. Suddenly, he felt like a bolt from the blue.

At this time, the secretary knocked on the door and said softly: "Mr. Yan, there is a problem in Dongjiao, and you need to go there."

Dongjiao is the recent key project, and no accidents can happen, so the secretary can only say this.

Mr. Yan wanted to cry but had no tears. Why did he agree to come back so easily? Was he so busy when he was working before? Why does it feel like there are more and more things now?

Finally, he prayed silently in his heart for his son to come back quickly, and then left the company with his secretary.

Mr. Ye was happy in the car, but also very unhappy. He was unhappy because he should go home to accompany his wife, but now he had to work overtime.

What made him happy was that Yan Huai turned out like this. Did he break his own principles? Finally, he was not so rigid.

After dinner, Wan Ge sat on the sofa with Yan Huai.

Wan Ge turned on the TV, which was the habit of the original owner. The TV was playing the variety show he had just recorded, but now it was the first few episodes of the second season.

In this episode, we ate in a very beautiful place, and it was the hometown of a mythical story about love, so the theme was naturally much more intimate.

Wan Ge just took a look at the preview of this episode. After seeing some of the pictures in it, she subconsciously wanted to turn off the TV, but her hand was grabbed.

Wan Ge met Yan Huai's deep eyes: "Yan Huai..."

"Wan Ge, don't worry about turning it off. I also want to see how you perform in the show."

The remote control fell into Yan Huai's hands in a blink of an eye. Wan Ge didn't dare to speak and stayed in his arms obediently.

Until a task where both parties cooperated in eating, from a certain angle, it looked like Wan Ge and Ji Jinzhou kissed. But the two did not touch at all, but the editor cut out this angle.

The next second, Wan Ge saw her remote control cracked in Yan Huai's hand.

"Ah Huai! Is your hand okay?" Wan Ge picked up his hand directly and found that it was a little broken, but it was okay.

Wan Ge wanted to say that she would go find some medicine, but she was pressed and kissed the next second.

Wan Ge explained over and over again that they didn't kiss at all, but Yan Huai directly answered: "But I'm still jealous."

Early the next morning, Yan Huai received a call from Ji Jinzhou.

Ji Jinzhou's tone on the other end of the phone was a little more excited: "Yan Huai! Did you arrange a job for me? Are you making trouble?"

Ji Jinzhou just woke up and saw the agent making n calls. Finally, when Ji Jinzhou got through, he realized that he was assigned a lot of work.

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