Yan Huai was stunned for a moment when he heard this.

Then he heard Wan Ge continue to say: "I'm waiting for you to come to me. You must take good care of yourself, eat well, and don't be negative, okay?"

Yan Huai clenched his other hand tightly, and finally answered obediently.

"Then you must listen to what I say." Wan Ge's voice was soft and gentle.

Yan Huai answered again, and then the phone on the other side was hung up.

The moment the phone was hung up, Yan Huai looked at the person next to him, whose fingertips were still tapping on the keyboard. In the end, he could only shake his head in fear: "Mr. Yan... I can't locate it..."

Yan Huai has been waiting for a call, whether it was Wan Ge calling him or the kidnapper he imagined calling him. He has gathered the top masters, waiting for the other party to call to locate him, but they all told him that they couldn't locate him.

A bunch of useless things!

Yan Huai hated himself very much at that moment, hated his incompetence, and hated why he didn't choose computer science in the first place.

Suddenly, the last words of Wan Ge popped up in her mind, and she quickly picked up the phone on the ground.

Wan Ge looked at the person who cut off her call. The other party was the old man's bodyguard, and it was the old man who instructed her.

"Is it okay now?" The old man also wanted to see what the other party was capable of. They were in this place now, and the other party might not find them for several years.

Of course, for him, several years was already relatively early.

"It's okay." Wan Ge's voice was soft, and her reaction was quite calm.

When it was time to eat, the old man was stunned by Wan Ge's reaction.

She... is this morning sickness? ? ? !

Wan Ge didn't know what was going on. She didn't have a big reaction in the past, but this time the reaction was really big, making her not want to eat.

The old man was not sure, so he immediately called a doctor, and the final result was that Wan Ge was pregnant.

The old man was in a complicated mood. Which wild man kidnapped his little granddaughter, and now he has a child.

Wan Ge watched the other person leave with a dark face, and did not call him. Anyway, she was about to leave here, and she didn't have to face his face anymore.

On the third day after talking to Yan Huai on the phone, Wan Ge was basking in the sun in the yard, and she heard the movement outside. When she looked up, she saw Yan Huai running in hurriedly.

"Wan Ge!" Yan Huai hugged her and finally breathed a sigh of relief.

Wan Ge's fingertips gently touched his face, and looked at the man who used to be meticulous, but now he was unkempt. His fair and delicate face looked a little more haggard, and his beard had grown: "Didn't you say that you would take good care of yourself?"

Yan Huai didn't say anything, but just hugged her tightly. Without Wan Ge, Yan Huai had no mood to clean himself up, let alone take good care of himself. After learning the message left by Wan Ge, he searched all night and finally found the deciphered code.

Yes, when Wan Ge talked to him, Wan Ge left the Morse code to the other party without anyone noticing. But there are too many ways to decipher it, and Yan Huai spent several days searching before finally deciphering it.

Before Wan Ge hung up the phone, he said to him, "Listen carefully to their conversation again, so that Yan Huai will know that he secretly left a message for him."

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