Ms. Feng looked at Yun Xingluo, and then said softly: "If I take him home, will you be willing to go with me?"

She knew that Wan Ge and the other person were inseparable and had a good relationship. When she was a child, someone wanted to adopt her, but she stayed for the other person.

Wan Ge glanced at Yun Xingluo, and then at Ms. Feng in front of her. Wan Ge just wanted to be with Yun Xingluo, no matter where they went. It must be said that if they left with Ms. Feng, their living conditions and environment would be much better.

Moreover, in the plot, Ms. Feng really wanted to give the whole world to her as compensation. So in the end, Wan Ge replied with a "yes".

After talking with the dean, Ms. Feng quickly completed all the procedures, took Wan Ge home, and then formally adopted Yun Xingluo.

Wan Ge did not change her name, and she did not need to change her name. Ms. Feng felt that it was fate. It just happened that the dean named her Feng Wan Ge, the same surname as her own.

Yun Xingluo did not change her name either, and was still called Yun Xingluo.

The news that Yun Xingluo left the orphanage was soon known to the An family, who had been paying attention to Yun Xingluo. Mr. An was particularly shocked to learn that he was adopted, especially after knowing who adopted Yun Xingluo.

The Feng and Ruan families were old friends back then, and almost everyone thought that this was the reason why she married into the Feng family.

Yes, it was a high-class marriage. If they were not old friends, the Ruan family could not compare with the Feng family in terms of family strength or social status.

However, some time ago, he heard about the divorce of the two. I wonder if it has anything to do with Ms. Feng going to the orphanage.

Less than a week after Ms. Feng took Yun Xingluo home, the An family came to her house and told her that Yun Xingluo was actually their son.

Ms. Feng had never liked the An family before, and she just looked at them coldly when they suddenly appeared.

Less than a week after she brought Xingluo home, they came to her house. What were they doing before? With the power of the An family, if they really wanted to find the child, they would have found it long ago.

How come there was no movement before, and now that I have taken the child home, they suddenly appear and say they are the child's biological parents.

The current head of the An family is not a good person. In order to fight for the inheritance, he sent his own brother to prison. How could I hand Xingluo over to such a person?

Although Ms. Feng has only brought Yun Xingluo home for a week, she really likes this child, especially knowing that Yun Xingluo has always protected Wan Ge in the orphanage and school.

Although Yun Xingluo is not talkative and not good at speaking, this child is really good. If you want to be good to someone, you should be sincere.

Ms. Feng just said one sentence at the end: "I have adopted Xingluo legally and legally. If you want to take him back now, you still need to ask for Xingluo's consent."

Yun Xingluo is sensible at this age, so he has the right to choose. He can choose to stay with his adoptive mother or return to his own home.

If there is no Wan Ge, Ms. Feng really dare not gamble, but now there is no doubt that as long as Wan Ge is around, Yun Xingluo will not choose them anyway.

The An family seemed to want to struggle, but seeing how determined Ms. Feng was, they did not dare to say anything and finally could only leave for the time being.

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