Ruan Tong heard such news on the way back to the dormitory. No wonder she didn't see Ling Kuan after class today. It turned out that he went to find Feng Wan Ge.

Why did he go to find Feng Wan Ge! Did Ling Kuan also like her? Impossible! Ling Kuan confessed to her yesterday. Could it be that he went to find Feng Wan Ge because she rejected his confession? He knew... knew that he hated Feng Wan Ge the most.

Ruan Tong couldn't believe such a thing at all, and couldn't believe that Ling Kuan actually treated her like this. No, it was all Feng Wan Ge's fault!

It was all her!

"Ruan Tong! What's wrong with you?" Ruan Tong only heard this sentence before she completely lost consciousness, and she knew nothing in front of her eyes.

Ruan Tong woke up again in the hospital. She didn't open her eyes because her mind was very confused.

At that moment, she remembered a lot of things, no... or she was reborn.

Ruan Tong thought of her current situation. The plot should not develop like this. Wan Ge is just a vicious female supporting role. She is just a cannon fodder and a mediator between her and Ling Kuan.

In her last life, she had everything she wanted. She was with the person she loved most. Everything was going well, except for one person, and that person was Yun Xingluo!

When he should have been happy, he attacked them, causing all the happiness to be shattered. Not only did he take away all of Ling Kuan's property, but he also killed them. All this was because he wanted to avenge Feng Wan Ge.

But Yun Xingluo knew that Feng Wan Ge had been using him all the time. He was just a poor guy, a poor guy who had been used by women all the time.

Ruan Tong really couldn't understand why he wanted to help Feng Wan Ge to avenge him when she treated him like that. It was really ridiculous.

But the plot is also wrong now. Yun Xingluo should have returned to the An family. Why did he go to that woman with Feng Wan Ge?

Could it be... Ruan Tong suddenly had an idea in her mind. Could it be that Feng Wan Ge was also reborn? No wonder he was not so successful this time. No wonder Feng Wan Ge made her become what she is now. It must be like this.

Ruan Tong instantly thought of Ling Kuan in her mind, but now she had different ideas.

Two lives proved one thing, Yun Xingluo was the most powerful man, he was what she wanted and liked, as long as she held his thighs well, she would not have to worry about her life being difficult.

Of course, the most important thing to hold his thighs well now is to get rid of Feng Wan Ge, so that she will have the opportunity to hold his thighs.

However... Ruan Tong thought of how Feng Wan Ge liked Ling Kuan so much in his previous life, and coupled with what he heard today, he believed that Feng Wan Ge would like Ling Kuan for no reason, and still use everything of Yun Xingluo, so that it would be easy to deal with.

Ruan Tong went to find Yun Xingluo. Yun Xingluo didn't want to pay attention to this woman at first, but the other party said that what she wanted to say was very important and related to Wan Ge. If she didn't listen, she would regret it for the rest of her life.

If it was something else, Yun Xingluo would definitely not care, but she said this matter was related to Wan Ge.

After hesitating, Yun Xingluo decided to meet the other party. Anyway, if she felt something was wrong, she could just drive the person away.

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