Seeing that they were exhausted from the journey, he immediately ordered the servants to prepare a room for them.

Wan Ge was also arranged in a separate room, close to other girls.

Wan Ge saw He Beiruo, who looked at her closely when she returned to her room. But Ji Qingzhou quickly carried her back to her room.

Ji Qingzhou put her on the bed and took off her shoes.

The wrapped feet seemed to be slightly swollen. But still very beautiful.

Ji Qingzhou held her feet with both hands, and all eyes were on them.

Wan Ge was a little amused. The other party looked at her feet like a wolf that had been hungry for several months and saw meat.

"Don't hurt your feet next time." It seemed that he understood that the other party was aware of his nature, and Ji Qingzhou did not pretend at all. He leaned his head over directly, his cheek against Wan Ge's calf, and his hands were still holding her feet.

Ji Qingzhou knew very well that the other party could hide in his room quietly. If he hadn't entered the room, he wouldn't have been able to find him. This was enough to show that the other party was also very strong, otherwise it would be impossible to hide in the room quietly.

Wan Ge blinked innocently: "Are you distressed? Are you distressed for me or for my feet?"

Ji Qingzhou didn't say anything. He didn't know whether he was distressed for her or for her feet.

Wan Ge pulled him up, hugged his neck and kissed him again, and at the same time the door was pushed open.

He Beiruo stood at the door, watching Wan Ge kissing Ji Qingzhou, and was completely dumbfounded. The food in her hand also fell to the ground.

"You...did you know each other before?" He Beiruo felt very strange. Why did Ji Qingzhou defend Wan Ge so much, but if they knew each other before, this would be easy to explain.

But why didn't they say it earlier? Why did they pretend not to know each other?

"I'll say it again, it has nothing to do with you." Ji Qingzhou's tone was a little more impatient. He didn't like this woman very much. He didn't like her since the first time he saw her.

But the other party was quite sensible and didn't show up in front of him too often, so Ji Qingzhou didn't take it too seriously before, but now the other party started to care about his affairs, which made him extremely patient.

"I know, sorry." He Beiruo picked up the things on the ground and almost got her hand stabbed by the porcelain pieces. But Ji Qingzhou didn't even give her an extra glance.


After leaving, He Beiruo's brain thought quickly. Wan Ge was indeed very beautiful. When she saw her for the first time, He Beiruo was amazed and even thought she was more beautiful than her sister who was known as the most beautiful woman in the martial arts world.

But now calm down a little, is there something wrong with that woman? Her appearance seems to be different from that of a woman in the Central Plains.

Although what she wore and her hairstyle were what a middle-aged woman should wear, I always felt that she shouldn't look like this.

Could it be that she!! !!!

But that shouldn't be the case. If she was really a foreign woman, how could Master Ji be so nice to her?

But what if that woman deceived Master Ji from the beginning? Did she approach Master Ji on purpose? Maybe she has some connection with the cult! And she appeared in front of them just after the Feixing Sword was thrown. Isn't there a problem in this?

In an instant, He Beiruo felt that she had figured out everything and wanted to report it to her elders, but she felt that she had no evidence at the moment and it would be easy to ruin her image if she did so.

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