He Beiruo immediately turned around to see who had done it, but she didn't see anyone. She glanced at Wan Ge and immediately left her room.

Yes, He Beiruo didn't believe that Wan Ge was a simple woman who deliberately came to test her. She thought that the other party couldn't be defenseless, but was just pretending to be asleep. But her sword was so close to her, but the other party didn't react at all.

What she couldn't imagine the most was that there was someone else in the room, and she didn't know who was hiding in her room. Could it be!

He Beiruo shook her head again. Impossible! How could Ji Qingzhou hide in a woman's room at night. But...

If it wasn't him, who else could it be? He Beiruo still found it hard to believe that Ji Qingzhou was hiding in a woman's room.

He Beiruo's steps suddenly stopped. If it wasn't Ji Qingzhou, then there was another man hiding in Wan Ge's room.

But just when she was about to turn around, she suddenly remembered that the other party could hide in her room without knowing it. And if she was not mistaken, it was a leaf that scratched her hand. Apart from Ji Qingzhou, it is hard to find another person in this villa who can pick up Ye Feihua and hurt people.

He Beiruo guessed correctly. After she left, Ji Qingzhou appeared beside Wan Ge's bed. He just couldn't sleep. After thinking about it, he went to Wan Ge's room. Unexpectedly, he saw He Beiruo trying to attack her.

Although He Beiruo hesitated for some reason, Ji Qingzhou still wanted to scare her away first, so he scratched her hand.

"She's gone." Ji Qingzhou told Wan Ge in front of him softly.

Wan Ge smiled and opened her eyes to look at the man in front of her: "Young Master Ji, it's not good to run to a woman's room late at night?"

Ji Qingzhou lay down beside her and hugged her: "Don't say such things."

Ji Qingzhou's meaning was very clear: Don't say such things, I don't like to hear it.

Wan Ge leaned against him and asked softly: "Are we going to stay here forever?"

There are too many outsiders in this place, and she doesn't like it very much.

Ji Qingzhou hummed: "We have to stay here until the whereabouts of Feixing Sword are found."

After saying this, Ji Qingzhou was silent for a long time, and finally said: "If you don't like this, I can have someone send you home first."

The send home Ji Qingzhou said here means send back to his home. Since Wan Ge is his wife, of course she has to go back to his home.

Wan Ge hugged his neck and rubbed him gently with her feet: "Are you willing to send me home?"

Ji Qingzhou chose to remain silent when he heard this question.

Yes, he was reluctant, so he didn't say this sentence at the first time, but chose to say this sentence after hesitation.

Although they knew each other for a very short time, Ji Qingzhou liked her very much, not just because of her feet, but also because of her person.

He just wanted to get close to her inexplicably, and he was particularly attached to her. Otherwise, Ji Qingzhou would not run to a girl's room in the middle of the night.

"You have to find the sword quickly, so you can take me home."

After saying this, Wan Ge whispered something in his ear.

Wan Ge did not say it was related to the sword, but just told him that she saw a strange person today.

If Ji Qingzhou believed her, he should start investigating. Even if he could not find the sword immediately, he could find a clue.

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