"Of course it's true. You won't get hurt in such a thing, you will just get tired."

"No, I'm not tired. Only my inner strength has deepened, and you..."

Wan Ge thought seriously for a while: "Your inner strength has deepened?"

Ji Qingzhou nodded gently: "Yes, it has increased a lot. But you..."

Wan Ge heard him say this, and also practiced his own power, and then found that his inner strength had indeed increased: "My inner strength seems to have improved. How could it be?"

How could it be? How could it really work? Isn't it just a colored book? I can't say that Wan Ge has tried all the above before, but I can say that most of them have been tried with people around me.


Wan Ge gently approached the other person's ear, and then told him the truth about the so-called secret book.

Wan Ge thought seriously for a while, and suddenly remembered the original owner's special physique and her master reminded her of the special nature of the Saint's Secret Book.

"So that's why. It's because you've been learning the purest and most yang martial arts, which is completely opposite to mine. Now that yin and yang are combined, our internal strength has increased." To be precise, they complement each other and thus enhance each other.

After Ji Qingzhou fully understood the situation, he finally breathed a sigh of relief. It's good that she's fine.

But does this mean that they can continue like this? Thinking of this, Ji Qingzhou's cheeks instantly turned red again, and he looked at Wan Ge with shyness on his face.

Wan Ge knew what he was thinking from the other person's expression. Touched his face: "Good boy, I'm still very tired now, sleep for a while."

Ji Qingzhou nodded obediently, and then lay down with Wan Ge.


When Wan Ge woke up, the people around him were gone. It was dark, and it would be dark soon. He didn't see anyone when he went out.

But from where he was, looking at the villa, it seemed that there were many people there, and none of them originally lived in the villa.

Wan Ge had a bad premonition, so he used the Qinggong to quickly reach the roof of the villa.

People with strong inner strength and good hearing can hear their conversation if they pay a little attention.

Anyway, I know what they said before, but now it seems that the hero Ji and the leader of the Wulin Alliance are quarreling.

Wan Ge fell beside the little girl she saw on the first day she woke up. "Aruo, what happened?"

The little girl named Aruo immediately replied: "Young Madam, the leader... the leader is talking nonsense. He said you are a traitor... just want to take away the secret book of Yunjian Villa, and also revealed the Wulin Alliance to the Demon Cult. It's simply nonsense. Don't worry, the owner and the young master will protect you."

How is it possible! Even if... even if the young lady is not from the Central Plains, even if the young lady really came from the Demon Cult, even if the lady... wait! Why does it feel a bit like what the Wulin Alliance Leader said?

But no matter what! She believes that the young lady is not a bad person.

Wan Ge stood by and watched Ji Qingzhou, whose face was getting more and more serious. It felt that the other party would draw his sword in the next second.

Wan Ge walked to the boy helplessly, touched his head, and said softly: "Don't be angry."

At this time, the others noticed the woman next to Ji Qingzhou. They were stunned when they saw her stunning face. In their impression, Wan Ge wore a veil most of the time when she appeared in front of them. This situation was indeed rare.

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