Now it's good, now someone is with them.

At this time, Ji Qingzhou also hurriedly asked the two to go into the house first.

At the same time, he also asked someone to inform his father and tell him that his father-in-law was here.

Ji Daxia, who was originally practicing martial arts, hurried back to his room to tidy himself up after hearing this, and then went to the front hall.

As soon as he entered the door, he heard their conversation, and you can see that his son is very reserved.

Ji Qingzhou is really not good at socializing with people, maybe it's his fault.

After Ji Daxia appeared, he chatted with Prince Jin. Prince Jin's martial arts attainments are also very high, and the two have very similar views, so they chatted happily and the whole atmosphere became more harmonious.

They also talked about the wedding ceremony. Although Wan Ge said that it was unnecessary and didn't care about these, Ji Daxia still felt that it was very important. He had been thinking about this matter before, and now Wan Ge's father happened to appear, so it was just right to talk about this matter.

Prince Jin actually had no opinion on this. Although he had just met Ji Qingzhou not long ago, he already knew what Ji Qingzhou was like from his various actions towards Wan Ge.

For him, Chi Yan could never be compared with Ji Qingzhou. Their attitudes towards Wan Ge were too different. So he was very satisfied, especially satisfied.

He felt that his daughter should be spoiled by such a man. Although the other party was a Central Plains person, he didn't care at all, because his wife was also a Central Plains person.

So Wan Ge had some Yunjiang appearance features, but not completely, so when she put on the clothes of the Central Plains people, it was difficult to tell whether she was a Central Plains person or a Yunjiang person.

Hero Ji thought that since Wan Ge's father was here, maybe now was the right time to hold a wedding, and there was also a good day in the next few days.

They had just had a conflict with the people in the Wulin Alliance, so there was no need to make a big deal, as long as their family knew about it.

So it was a quick thing to prepare, and Hero Ji began to prepare.

Prince Jin came from such a far place and would not leave so soon. Since the wedding date was set, he would attend his daughter's wedding before going back.

Prince Jin had thought about his daughter's wedding before, but now that she was married to the Central Plains, the situation was special, so it was best not to be too ostentatious.

On the third day after Prince Jin arrived at Yunjian Villa, Ji Qingzhou was picking flowers in the bamboo forest, but he sensed a strange smell, so he quickly hid himself and found the two people who were talking without leaving a trace.

Ming Kongzi took off his mask and looked at Prince Jin in front of him: "Are you really willing to let the princess marry a Central Plains person?"

"Ayi Na (the name of the original owner Yun Jiang) originally has half of the Central Plains bloodline, so why not marry a Central Plains person? But you attacked Ayi Na?" Prince Jin narrowed his eyes and instantly revealed a dangerous aura.

Prince Jin had a spy around Chi Yan, so he knew everything about them, and also knew that Ming Kongzi had a fight with Wan Ge.

"No! Wan Ge must marry Chi Yan!" Wasn't it for this purpose when he brought Wan Ge to that woman?

Prince Jin said directly with a cold voice, "So, you want to hurt your nephew for the son of your rival?"

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